Chapter 27 - Death

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Kelli's POV

First thing we heard was a loud crash and then one word was shouted:


I kept the throwing knife in hand while Delaney kept her bow drawn. Next thing we knew, we heard another crash. We stuck to the walls and looked up.

We watched as three people flew over us. Ahead in front, I looked at someone not paying attention. She had blue hair. As the curious person I am, I decided to throw the knife. However, before I did, I saw my reflection. I had one blue eye and one white eye. I shrieked, throwing the knife. It landed in the girl's shoulder. She screamed, jolting back and sheathed her sword and teleported away.

Delaney was confused. "Kelli, what did you do?"

"It was a reaction." I said. "I didn't intentionally throw it."

I looked down at my feet to see the throwing knife right next to me. It left me bewildered

"Strange." I said. "That hasn't happened before."

"What do you mean?" Delaney asked.

"Only Herobrine would be able to use the throwing knife. Oh dear freaking God. Tell me that's not a side effect of me being here."

She shrugged. "How should I know? I'm not him."

We slowly walked around for a better spot.

I looked to my right as I saw the blue haired girl. She looked at me in fear.

"She has one of his eyes!" She screamed.

But instead of going away, she teleported towards me.

She smirked. "I can get rid of that."

Another guy I didn't know, landed in front of Delaney.

He sounded like the one to be in charge. "I got the other archer. You try and capture Kelli."

I put away the knife and my bow and took out the diamond sword Anya gave me.

Delaney put away her bow and took out an iron dagger. That was new.

I smirked back. "Bring it!"

She went first. She slashed at me. I held up the sword at the right time to block the attack. Our swords locked.

The blue haired girl just laughed. "Think you're so tough? Just wait until you're ours. And that sword you're holding is very special. I can't wait until it's mine."

"Yea, you wish. I'd love to see you pry it from my cold dead hands."

"That can be arranged."

I broke free and dodged her next attack. I ducked down, avoiding her swing to the head. Still crouched, I swiped at her legs, slicing the skin open. She screamed and stumbled back.

She screamed in agony. "God damn you!"

"Be more careful."

"Yea, right. Smartass!"

Then, limping over, she attempted to slash at me again. I clenched my left hand and soon enough, I ended up back and out of her reach. I just teleported again.

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