Chapter 1 - My computer is acting up

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Kelli's POV

Today was the last day of my sophomore year. I couldn't wait to start up my YouTube channel with my new computer. It finally works with Minecraft. Even with the 1.8.0 update just recently. I was so excited. It was all I thought about after the finals.

My algebra teacher came up to me.

"Well, I hope you have a good summer, Kelli." He said. "I hope you're doing something resourceful this summer."

"I am." I said. "I am playing on my all-star softball team. I am also performing next month."

"You never told me this." He said.

"Well, I'm not the one who likes to perform in front of my classmates." I said. "Sorry about that."

"Oh, no worries." He said. "Well, you have a good summer."

"You too." I said. I walked away to my friends.

There were my friends. Jason, Rachel, and Clara.

"So, I guess I'll see you guys next year." Rachel said. "I'll be going on a whole fucking vacation."

"Well, shit." I said. "I'll be playing softball and starting up my YouTube channel."

"Oh, that Minecraft channel you were talking about?" Clara said. "Why do you play that game anyways?"

"Chill out, Clara." Jason said. "Don't worry, Kelli. I play it too."

"Thanks." I said. "I'm just trying out a mod pack for this survival thing I'm doing." I fixed my glasses. "Hold on for a minute. I'm going to put in contacts." I walked to the restroom.

In the restroom, I walked to the mirror over the sink. Staring back at me was a girl with brown hair with side bangs, blue eyes and glasses. I took off my glasses and placed in my long-lasting contacts. "That's better." I said to myself.

I walked out of the restroom and my friends were waiting for me.

"C'mon, Kelli." Rachel said. "We're doing the countdown."

"Ooh, I'm coming." I said as I followed them to the classroom.

Inside I saw all my other classmates. Then another teacher came in.

"I hope you all have a fantastic summer." She said. "Let's begin the countdown."

There was one minute left of the school year. I was so excited. A little bit too excited. I was yearning to run out of that school.

"Ready?" Rachel whispered.

"Yup." I said. We chanted with the rest of the students.

"Ten, nine, eight," we screamed.

"Seven, six, five, four, three, two, one."

The bell rang and we all cheered. We were officially juniors. I heard chanting.

"America! Fuck yeah!" I heard someone say.

Laughing, I grabbed my bag and walked out the door. I breathed in the fresh air. I felt like a million bucks. I walked to my house which was a ten minute walk.

I walked through my door to hear my puppy barking. She was wagging her tail and jumping up.

"I'm home!" I called.

"Hi Kelli." My mother said. "How does it feel to officially be a junior?"

"Amazing." I said. I put my bag on the kitchen chair.

I ran up to my room and changed my clothes because of my excessive sweating. I quickly cleaned up and put on a blue quarter-sleeve shirt, jean shorts, and flip flops. I put my dirty clothes in the hamper and turned on my computer.

I looked at the time. It was 2:30. I didn't care. I wanted to chill for the rest of the day. I closed the door, plopped down in my comfy office chair and put my PC on my desk. I double clicked on the Minecraft icon and waited for it to load.

Once the menu screen came up, I pressed the play button. I then clicked on 'Create New World.' I then clicked on the mods I have. I clicked on the respectable mods such as the lighting mod and so on. I wouldn't list them all.

I then clicked on survival and set the difficulty to 'normal.' However, my PC was starting to get glitchy on me. "What the hell!" I said. Then, I clicked 'create world.' Then, that's when I started to panic.

The PC was flashing colors. My computer was acting up.

"What the fuck is happening?" I asked. "What the fuck do I do?"

Since it had a touch screen, I tapped it a few times. However, when I did, I felt my hand go through the screen without breaking it. Then, everything went black.


Herobrine's POV

I woke up in my oak wood house. It was morning. It was quiet. Too quiet. I grabbed my diamond pick axe and walked out the door of my bedroom, yawning. I stopped in the bathroom to clean myself up. Staring back at me was a square boy with tan skin, brown hair, and white glowing eyes.

It was my eighteenth birthday. No one ever celebrates it with me. I don't have many friends. I scare too many people and I'm not proud of it. I can't help it. I have powers that they're afraid of. But at least I am alive and at least my brother, Notch cares about me. Oh, I don't know.

I ate breakfast and walked outside. I stepped onto the gravel walkway hoping to make this day better than yesterday. I don't want anyone to be scared of me, well, except Delaney. She's my only friend.

She called to me from her house.

"Sup, Herobrine?" Delaney called.

I waved. "Taking a walk." I replied.

"Well, happy birthday."

"Thanks. See you later." She waved back.

I walked past the town line and walked to the river. I was going to sit down and enjoy the fresh air, but in my tracks, I saw a girl. She had brown hair, light tan skin, a blue quarter-sleeve shirt, jean shorts, and shoes.

She was unconscious in the sand and clay. I shook her a few times. She wouldn't wake up. "I might as well take matters into my own hands." I said to myself. I put my pick axe in my bag and picked her up in my arms.

I walked back into the town. I placed her down on the ground. I looked for an empty house. I chose the spruce house across from mine. I picked her up again and carried her through the doors and up stairs to where I found a full size bed.

I slowly put her down on the bed. I didn't know if I wanted to wake her. I just noticed her bag. It said, Kelli Summers. It didn't ring a bell. However, there was one question on my mind. How did she get here?

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