Chapter 32 - Is this Farewell?

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Kelli's POV

I woke up in my house with a bandage around my torso. I still wondered how I got here. There were flowers and get well cards on my desk. I tried sitting up. I grimaced in pain. Dry blood had stained it earlier. I put on my ocean blue shirt and got up slowly. My ankle was also wrapped.

I stood up and limped to the mirror. I had a little black eye from being punched, but by who? I just needed to wake up. Then it came back to me. That fight with Entity 303. I had almost died out there.

Then, I heard the door to my house open.

"Hey, Kelli." It was Delaney.

"Hey Delaney."

"Oh, your up and around. That's good. Herobrine sent me to check on you. He's in the middle of something."

"Hold up. Wait a second. How long was I out?" I asked.

"Oh, you were out for two days. Herobrine kept telling me you looked like an angel when you sleep. I kept trying to shut him up for the past couple days."

"Two days!? Oh wow. I guess I hit my head really hard. Where are the others?"

"They're wondering when you're gonna wake up. Why don't you sing them a song and surprise them. It'll be cool."

"I'm gonna have to learn one in five minutes if it's possible." I said. "I am not up to playing the piano. Hurts too much to even lift my arms high."

"Understood." Delaney said. "But pick a song that is in the karaoke list."

I looked through a list Delaney had with her. "I see two songs I like. But wait. This one is a duet. May I invite Herobrine to sing it with me?"

"Of course." She said. "Whatever the hero wants."

"I'm a hero? You have got to be kidding me. I look too weak to be one."

"But you are, Kelli. You saved us all. You and Herobrine defeated Entity 303."

Then it came to me again. Entity 303 is dead. I grabbed the bookshelf and knelt down as soon as I took another step.

I winced. "Stupid ankle. Entity 303 pushed me off a ledge. I landed on my feet, but dislocated this ankle."

Delaney didn't look surprised. "Yea, I know. Herobrine told me everything."

I put my hand on my torso. "And he redirected my arrow tipped with harming II. I was weakened right on the spot."

"And Herobrine was rambling on and on about that fight and that incident."

Then another memory came to me.

My eyes widened. "Oh my God. I killed Sarah."

"What?! You did?"

"I did. I can't believe it. I avenged Anya."

"I bet she's happy."

"Yea, I agree. We will all miss her."

"Yea, but she can finally rest now."

"Yea, I agree. But hey. At least you're recovering now. Try walking. Here, I'll help you down the stairs."

I put my arm around her for support as she helped me walk down the stairs. Once we reached the bottom, she ran back upstairs and retrieved my bow and quiver of regular arrows. She ran back down and handed then to me. I slung the quiver on my back and I held onto my bow.

She looked back at me, "Alright, tell me when you need to stop walking. I'll walk slower for your sake."

I chuckled. "Thanks!"

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