Chapter 28 - a fake

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Entity 303's POV

It was late at night. I saw Kelli walk towards the river with her bow and she wore a navy blue sweater with the hood over her head. She was late. Very fucking late. I mean, how does she take that long to try and find me? Oh, right. My mind slaves attacked and gave Sarah some extra time. I hope she had some fun over there too.

I walked into my room and my hands glowed red. Soon, I changed. My white hoodie turned into a black shirt and my white sweatpants turned into black pants. My skin turned from black to a tan skin color. My yellowed teeth turned white and my eyes turned from red to white. I had my enchanted iron sword with me.

I looked outside again and I saw Kelli hold a leftie bow in her right hand a diamond sword in a sheath on her back along with a quiver of arrows.

I chuckled. "To think she'll beat me with her bow and arrows. Only a fool would fight with improper weapons and no armour."

I walked out of my room and walked upstairs to the large jungle tree next to my endstone house. I climbed up the tree and waited for her. I then got a call.

"Hey, Sarah." I said. "She's on her way."

Sarah laughed. "Good. Herobrine's knocked out. He totally bought it. And I killed one of them."

"Which one?" I asked.

"Anya. The purple haired girl. She was so dumb to fight me. She thought I was her. Besides looking for you, she's after me. I won't be in her sight for a while. So other than that, she's all yours. Go get her. Make her bleed."

"Thank you. That stupid purple haired girl should've been dead a long time ago."

"Agreed." She said. "I'm just glad I could put her out of her misery."

I watched as Kelli put on her archer gloves. She drew back with get left hand and released without an arrow.

"That's my cue. Got to go. She's near my house." I hung up.

Kelli looked angry. Very angry. It would be sad if that anger turned into fear.

"Sarah!" Kelli called out, taking off the hood. "Show yourself! You fucking monster, show your face so I can bash it in!"

She took off the seawater and she knocked an arrow. She drew the bow and looked around. That's when I flew to the ground.


Kelli's POV

Arrow knocked and bow drawn, I looked around. Any thing that pops out at me, I will shoot...and possibly kill.

Just then I heard something. Or someone. "Kelli."

Acting fast, I turned in that direction and fired. I gasped as I saw Herobrine. The arrow landed in the jungle tree next to him. I missed him by an inch.

I started screaming and shouting on instinct. "What the actual fuck! You scared me half to death, Herobrine. I could've hurt you. What the hell is wrong with you and surprises?"

He chuckled. "Sorry babe. Now we can see what Entity 303 is up to."

Wait. He has never called me that before. That was weird. But things got weirder. He took out an enchanted iron sword. It looked identical to Entity 303's. Sharpness V too.

I was confused. "Wait. Now, hold up just a minute there. Where did you get that?"

"I got it from him." It seemed off again.

"Oh, quick question." I said.

"Yea, hit me."

"What happens if I get killed in this world?"

He just stood there and chuckled. "If you die in this world after being pulled in, it is just like your everyday hardcore mode world. However, now it is as real as it could get. You cease to exist in the human world. I've always watched over you, Kelli. Ever since you got Minecraft, I've wanted to watch your every move. I have seen your gaming history and I saw your good potential in combat servers and solo vanilla survival worlds. I wanted to see what you'd do to become a part of my army. So as soon as you were installing mods, I rigged the seed to be where I lived. I thought you'd be the best fit in ruling the world. However, I was wrong. I should've dragged you over here myself."

I screamed. "Wait what!? What is this malarkey?"

He just chuckled some more as he raised his hands. In seconds, obsidian blocks appeared. They lit on fire as he fired one at me. I shot it away with an arrow. The next one I ducked under and the last one I shot away. I rolled away from the explosion.

I got a feeling something was wrong. "Herobrine, you're not yourself. Wake up from insanity. I'm alive, don't you see?"

"What do you mean? I'm perfectly fine. Maybe you're already dead to me."

Well, that hurt...

He ran at me as I kept shooting arrows at him. He deflected it with his iron sword he apparently had on him.

"And where's your pickaxe?" I asked.

On instinct, I quickly switched to Anya's diamond sword with my bow and blocked his attack. I pushed his sword away, but he punched me in the face. I staggered, but kept my balance add he opened himself to me.

"You know you can't hit girls." I spat.

I punched back and he went flying up. He landed safely to the ground and I readied my sword. However, I felt I was hallucinating when he looked like he was gonna chop his head off. I was reaching out in fear. However, I saw something change drastically. His face changed from Herobrine to Entity 303 and back to Herobrine. I stopped in my tracks.

"Fucking hell. I should've shot you when I had the chance."

"Correct Kelli." He replied. "Oh, and it's a pleasure to finally meet you in person."

In a flash, he changed into Entity 303.

"Fucking knew it. You were a fake all this time. I knew I was hearing nothing but bullshit. Why did you do this?"

I couldn't believe he stopped to explain himself. "You see, Kelli. I am a hacker, which makes me godlike. I feel I can do whatever I want to you now that I pulled you into the world of Minecraft. I was human like you, but I learned all this code and eventually I did this to pull more people into this world. I brainwashed all of them, but you? No. I couldn't let you know about my mission."

"And what? It's to stop Herobrine? He told me it was an accident."

His eyes widened. "So he told you?"

"Yes, and he told me that it wasn't his fault."



"Fine. Believe that."

"Why have you become so sick?"

"Well, he had the ability to become half minecraftian and travel between worlds. Your friends have been helped when he sees people like you on the river bed. And I decided to him the fun and make my army. You would be the first recruit. But no. He has to ruin everything."

I shot at him, hitting him in the shoulder. "HE LOVES ME! THATS WHY!"

"You made a huge mistake, dear."

Suddenly, red light was glowing around him. He was pissed. I booked it, looking back add I do. I saw him teleport around me.

He was laughing. "Run as fast as you can. You can't hide."

I screamed. "Get away from from me!"

Soon, he ended up behind me and pushed me into an open cave from the top. I fell ten blocks down. I tried my best to land and try to continue the fight, but I staggered to my knees and dropped my bow beside me. I screamed in agony. No bones broken, but my eyesight was blurring. I was dizzy.

I couldn't get up. oh, I wish Herobrine was here. I thought desperately.

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