Blow me one last kiss

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Heather's POV

*Hours later*

I groaned as I dragged my suitcase onto my boat. I wish I could replay last night over and over again.

Well, on the bright side, I think this stupid show is half way done. But I can't tell since we are so many contestants on the set.

As I sat on the boat and stared out of the window, I let last night replay in my head as I stared at the aqua-blue water.

Alejandro gripping my thighs. Alejandro moaning my name. Alejandro pinning me to the wall. Alejandro and his skilled tongue on my neck.

Speaking of which, I got out my mirror and glanced at my neck. Sure enough, my hickey was still there, no matter how much I tried to cover it up with concealer.

The idiot, I growled rubbing my neck with three fingers.

Still, a smile crept to my face as I remembered how Alejandro dug his face in my hair, licking my neck in slow catlike motions and how I gripped his brown hair as he did so.

But my favorite part was how I kicked him to the ground so hard, I think I might have left a mark there.

That's all in the past, Heather. Remember the plan. You cannot afford to lose another million dollars, my inner voice reminded me.

I sighed.

It's going to be worth it, you'll see, my inner voice tried to cheer me up.

Soon, the boardwalk was visible with all the contestants on it. There were other boats lined up next to it.

I put on my sunglasses as I climbed out because the sun's light was very bright and I happen to be light sensitive.

If you look at my phone, the light is very dim because it affects my eyes.

"Heather. Glad you could join us. Okay, that's everybody. Everyone, to the bonfire area," Chris ushered me to where to put my suitcase.

After that, I followed all the other contestants. Everyone was happy to be back, which surprised me. As I was looking for a place to seat, someone tapped my shoulder.

I didn't bother to turn around.

"Go away," I grumbled.

He was going to make this even harder for me because I am trying to forget about yesterday but he keeps staying around me. Not to mention that he is my teammate, unless Chris decides to merge the teams.

"Geez, Heather, I just wanted to thank you for coming to the party," Owen mumbled.

I span around to see Owen, not Alejandro.

"Oh, gosh. I thought you were Alejandro," I blurted out. I cleared my throat. "Thanks for inviting me,"

"Anytime," Owen walked to where Izzy was seated.

I found a spot next to Duncan.

"I am also glad you came for the party, Heather," A voice beside me said.

It wasn't Duncan because he was talking to Courtney.

"If I knew you'd be acting like this, then I wish I didn't go for the stupid party," I spat, seeing Alejandro beside me.

"Don't be like that now. I know you did not regret going for the party," Alejandro wiggled his eyebrows.

A loud blow horn ended our conversation.

"Okay, losers. Hope you enjoyed the last 2 days because you won't get another break," Chris announced. "Today we will be doing something fun,"

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