Revenge is my middle name

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Alejandro's POV

I opened my eyes lazily and saw two silhouettes. I closed them and when I opened them again, it was Chris and Chef who were snickering and holding a camera.

"What's so funny?" I whispered.

The pointed beside me and I noticed that Heather had clung to my chest and her head was resting on my shoulder. She is so adorable when she sleeps.

"This is going to be good for ratings," Chris whispered, taking more shots.

"Looks like I owe you 10 dollars," Chef said, snickering still but giving Chris the money.

Heather began to move and she opened her eyes and began to squint.

"Alejandro," she said dreamily and I couldn't help but smile.

Heather then snapped wide awake and saw our position. "Alejandro! What are you doing?" She pushed herself away from me and a breeze went by the space which was occupied by her.

"Me? I was sleeping like a baby on my side of the bed but when I woke up, you were on my chest, sticking on to me like a starfish," I replied still amused by this.

"Lies," Heather said and turned to face Chris and Chef. "What are you two doing here?"

"Taking some good shots. Winning a bet about you sleeping on Ale-hunk-dro," Chris replied smugly.

"What? Let me see," She climbed out of the bed and grabbed the camera. Horror was clear on her face and I couldn't help but chuckle a bit.

"It seems your attracted to me Heather," I winked and she glared at me.

"Why did you give us one bed?" Heather asked, changing the subject.

"What are you talking about? I gave you two beds in separate rooms," Chris asked confused.

"What?" Heather was shocked.

"This is your room. Alejandro's is next door," Chris showed her.

"Then why did Alejandro tell me-" She whipped her head at me. "You did this!"

"Did what?" I asked innocently, but I knew what she exactly was talking about.

"You lied to me that Chris got us one bed and that we had to share," Heather accused me.

Chris' mouth opened to form an O. Chef's eyes widened. They both looked at each other and threw back their heads, laughing hysterically, pointing at Heather then to me and then threw their hands and afterwards began to clutch on their stomachs.

I grinned because this was very amusing. What Heather had said was true. I did plan the whole thing, I wanted to test if she really liked me and she succeeded way beyond my expectation.

Heather's head flushed and she went to the bathroom and made a long, loud scream.

"Ale- Alejandro. No way- no way, man. You've made my morn- morning. High five dude," Chris was holding his stomach but limped over to the bed and I gave him a high five. "You're alright. I'm glad I brought you back. And that this thing is on camera. Everyone is watching you. Even the campers,"

"I really like this boy," Chef agreed, supporting himself on the wall.

Tears were streaming down their faces as Heather came back out.

"Get out!" She shoved Chris and Chef and slammed the door. "You too," She pointed at me then gestured to the door.

"Heather," I started.

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