Hey guys, I have an important announcement.
Total Drama Reloaded is ending. *beginning to sob hysterically*
They are a few more chapters for me to write before this book is completed.
I honestly didn't see this coming...I love AleHeather! So much! But all good things must come to an end. *taking tissue to blow my nose*
This book means so much to me since its the first book that I've almost completed. I wrote it because I realized there aren't many AleHeather fan fiction books.
Special thanks to specifically:
1) @jkanel2405
2) @HollyFowl5
3) @TDWTMelodyWish
4) @AngelaSmith997
5) @aleheatherThanks so much for voting and commenting. Really appreciate it :)
So I hope you enjoy reading the last few Chapters of Total Drama Reloaded....

Total Drama Reloaded {Completed}
FanfictionThis book focuses on Alejandro and Heather. It's called Total Drama The Grand Reunion, Total Drama Reloaded or Simply Strategic. Alejandro and Heather are Total Drama's main two antagonists. They will be remembered as the most manipulative and untr...