Very important author's note

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Hey guys, I have an important announcement.

Total Drama Reloaded is ending. *beginning to sob hysterically*

They are a few more chapters for me to write before this book is completed.

I honestly didn't see this coming...I love AleHeather! So much! But all good things must come to an end. *taking tissue to blow my nose*

This book means so much to me since its the first book that I've almost completed. I wrote it because I realized there aren't many AleHeather fan fiction books.

Special thanks to specifically:

1) @jkanel2405
2) @HollyFowl5
3) @TDWTMelodyWish
4) @AngelaSmith997
5) @aleheather

Thanks so much for voting and commenting. Really appreciate it :)

So I hope you enjoy reading the last few Chapters of Total Drama Reloaded....


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