Bonus: Special Chapter! Must Read!

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*Cue theme song*

"Hello and welcome to Total Drama Aftermath. I'm Blaineley and I'll be your host," Blaineley introduced herself. "Tonight we are going to see what the kicked off losers and the world who they think should win. With out further much to do, here is Anne Maria, Justin, Brick, Eva, Justin, Katie and Sadie,"


"So guys, what was your experience in Total Drama?" Blaineley asked the guests.

"Better than the other seasons that's for sure," Justin replied.

"So since you were kicked off, who are you rooting for?" Blaineley asked.

"I'm rooting for Gwen and Trent. They are so cute together, right Sadie?" Katie said.

"Totally," Sadie agreed.

"I root for Duncan and Courtney. If anyone needs the million it's them," Justin piped in.

"Please. The guys who need the money is Alejandro and Heather. They will do anything in their power for it," Anne Maria interjected.

"I agree. Both of them are so devoted to it. I respect them for that," Brick agreed.

"I don't care who wins. I only wish I was in there but apparently I wasn't being 'romantic' enough," Eva rolled her eyes making the quotation marks with her fingers at the word romantic.

"Speaking of which, we are going live so that you and our viewers don't miss out in the action," Blaineley turned to face the giant, flat screen TV dangling on the wall.


Heathers POV

"We have got to get revenge on the boys," Jo said, after my scene with Alejandro.

"Oh I'm in," I said, grinning evilly.

"Me too," Courtney and the rest said except Gwen.

"Gwen, you in or not?" Jo asked impatiently.

"I don't know...I can't do this to Trent," Gwen said quietly.

"Don't tell me you're falling for him," I snorted. I remember how I kissed him and she treated him harshly immediately afterwards.

"Fine, we can do this without you," Jo said.

"No, I want to be part of this. They scared me half to death. I'm in," Gwen concluded.

"So anyone got a plan?" Jo asked.

We all racked our brains. We've got to think of something so great, they'll never mess with us again. That's when my wheels started turning and my eyes widened.

"I've got it!" I exclaimed. "How about, when they're asleep, we put various of things on them? Like when they get up and pull a rope, itching powder falls on them, pie splats onto their face, permanent marker, grease and other stuff? I saw it once in a movie, it was pretty hilarious,"

"I think I saw that too," Beth said. "They were two mischievous twins who were always up to no good. That's the one right?"

I nodded. "You guys up for it?"

It took no longer than a milli second to agree.

"Okay, huddle up," Jo said and as we huddled up, we devised my devious plan which was certainly satisfying.

Like I said numerous times, can this day get any better?

First revenge on Alejandro, then this?

The odds have truly been in my favor.


At about 3 in the morning, all of us headed to the boys mansion with all our equipment. Chris' mansion truly has everything. I wonder what he'd be doing with all of this stuff. Probably to prank Chef. They're always doing that.

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