Great minds think alike

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Heather's POV

A loud bullhorn blared through my ears, startling me. I nearly fell off the bed, again, but I've learnt my part from that incident.

"Morning campers. And this time I mean both boys and girls. Not like last time," Chris paused to chuckle.

I rolled my eyes. He's referring to the stupid prank the boys made for the girls.

"Anyways, meet me in the bonfire area, now! While you're still in your pajamas and lets make things interesting, last one there will get to clean the communal toilets, and believe me, they are nasty," Chris said before bursting into fits of laughter with Chef and then signed off.

I didn't need to be told twice and just at the mere sound of the words "communal toilets" are enough to make me running. I hopped out of bed and made a beeline to the bonfire area.

I was the second girl, after Jo, then the rest started to file in. The last person was Tyler, so he had to clean the communal toilets.

"Off you go," Chris handed Tyler the toilet brush. "You might wanna carry this," He shoved a face mask into Tyler's arms. "The Sasquatch had one too many beans,"

All of us groaned at the remark and Tyler turned pale. I scrunched up my nose as we watched Tyler get in there.

Unfortunately he went inside without the mask and a millisecond later, his face was as green as grass. He swallowed his vomit and shuddered, putting on the mask, before going in.

"Lets not focus on Tyler," Chris said. "On to today's challenge. I've realized that you guys are becoming too soft these days because of the lavish lives that we provide you with in the spa hotel,"

We all retorted but Chris blew the bullhorn again.

"Zip it, or I will," Chris snapped. "Now, we have brought in people related to you and they will be your coach. You will be training for the Olympic Games. This time, it's one on one. Forget about the teams this time. This time you fly solo, not as a couple,"

"Yes!" Jo cried, punching her fist in the air.

"And the people are-" Chris began but he was cut short because a loud whoosh interrupted him.

I squinted my eyes and placed my hand above my eyes as I caught the rickety, rusty old plane we used in Total Drama World Tour. The wind was making my hair fly behind me and it was hard staying in one position.

Chef finally landed the helicopter and came out.

I scanned the area for who might be even remotely related to me and my eyes widened, my knees began to wobble, my throat went dry and my jaw dropped open.

A guy came out and he was in a blue shirt, tucked in by a belt where you could see the buckle and pants, with boots peaking out. He looked like Alejandro.

I wasn't the only one gawking at him. I swear, every girls jaw -and Chris- dropped as he made his way to us.

He had brown hair which had been jelled, tan skin and an Oscar winning smile. His lips formed into a thin smile as he cried out, "Al!"

Al?! As in Alejandro?!

"Jose," Alejandro muttered.

Jose went, gave Alejandro a warm embrace and kissed his cheeks. "How are you brother? It's been so long,"

Hold the freaking phone. Brother?! I think I'm going to pass out.

"Holy cow! Two good looking guys in one show? The ratings must be sky rocketing! How the heck did I not think of this before?" Chris gaped.

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