Operation: Revenge is a success

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Picture of Heather clinging onto Alejandro, while he has a devious smile planted on his face and his eyebrow raised :D

Alejandro's POV

With those words I left Heather stunned at my words and stomped off.

"Whatever!" She yelled and retorted.

I didn't turn around and I decided that now was a perfect time to start my plan. I am so angry at Heather.

How dare she trick me?

Oh, she is good. Almost as good as me.


I am Alejandro Burromuerto. I am the one to trick women like her, not the other way around. Still, I am impressed. We are so alike, it's actually scary.

I mentally slapped myself. Now is not the time to think about Heather. This is how she'll get to me. What would my brother Hose think of me? He will surely mock me. I must find Lindsay immediately and begin my plan to destroy Heather.


In the morning, I went to the dining room where the boys were. I had already told Tyler of my plan and he approved it so long as I don't ask her out.

"Okay campers. With miss C.I.T Courtney and Duncan the gangster gone, I can tell you your challenges. You're going to pair up with another couple and start deciding now," Chris announced once we reached the bonfire area.

"Lets pick Cameron and Jo. Cameron's got the brains and Jo's athletic," Heather informed me.

She was right. But I wanted to break her so I ignored her and called out Tyler and Lindsay. Heather face palmed herself when she heard me and I knew my plan was underway.

"Hey guys," Lindsay said bubbly.

"What's up?" Tyler said.

"It's a pleasure working with you two. Especially you, Lindsay," I said and raised her hand to my lips, placing a kiss upon them.

Lindsay blushed and giggled like a high school girl. If Heather wasn't in this competition, I'd be dating Lindsay. Speaking of Heather, she was fuming with rage.

"Enough already," Heather was irritated.

"Teams must work together to build a boat and sail to Boney Island for the next half of the challenge. Winners get a special award. Any questions? No? Alright! Now go!!" He blew a bullhorn in our ears and we sprinted to find the items which were scattered around.

"I found a motor," Heather said.

"I found a paddle stick," Lindsay said.

"Good job Lindsay," I commended her, making Heather angrier.

"What? What about me-" Heather retorted but I interrupted her.

"We should split up and bring the items back to shore. One of us can guard until all of us bring the items," I suggested.

"I'll stay and watch. I've got killer hands. I can bench press 80 pounds with my small finger," Tyler volunteered.

"Great," I said and Lindsay, Heather and I split up.

I went into the woods and found the steering wheel and put it where the rest of our pieces were. When I went to look for some more items, I found Lindsay struggling with the body of the boat.

"Let me do it," I volunteered.

"Thanks Alejandro but I've got it," Lindsay said, grunting as she pulled it.

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