Losing you

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Alejandro's POV

Since we had pranked Chris earlier on and we were successful, we decided to have a "small gathering".

Of course you know what we meant.

We are typical teenagers.

The auditorium was converted into a huge dance floor with a huge disco ball.

The DJ for the night was not DJ even though he is born for that job. It was Chef.

Everyone changed into something more comfortable. And by comfortable, well, for the girls I must say, it meant something so short, you can see everything.

And I mean everything.

I would not mind seeing Heather in something like that because I am a huge pervert.

Normally, I would be ashamed of saying that it runs in the family (because it does) but I see it as seeing the things from an interesting, different angle.

When people see a pencil, I think of a....all the perverts out there, fill in the gap. I think of a dick.

When people see a ball (tennis ball for example), I think, well, balls. But if its like a basketball, I think of breasts.


More interesting!

Where was I, you ask?

I was casually leaning on the wall, far away from the deafening music blaring out of those gigantic speakers, where it was dark and shadowy, while I drank a cup of punch.

Come to think of it, punch has a very sweet and tangy taste. Not burning hot and bitter.

I put the glass down.

Someone definitely spiked the drinks.

I know that I am usually seen around Heather. Well, after dinner, we just sat on the island, watching the waves and we talked a bit.

It was just a normal conversation about what we would do once the show is through and whether we will go to university or not.

That is not a conversation I would usually have with Heather. I feel as if I am losing her.

I know Heather likes me. I knew it from the start.

Well, before we were rivals and she hated me as I did for her, because she was the first girl I had met who had game, and I mean game.

She knew what I was doing and no girl ever knew what I was doing.

So of course I would have to take interest in her.

But our hatred formed into one bond like no other. It cannot be destroyed by anyone, but only grows stronger. Where one would not care about anything or anyone around them but focus on the person or thing that occupies his/her mind 24/7. Every day. Every night. Every minute. Every second. Every hour.

And that, mi amigos, is called love.

But I feel like I am losing Heather because our conversations were always natural and occasionally humorous but today's just felt forced.


"Campers! Get up right now and meet me in the bonfire for today's challenge! No time for breakfast. Not after what you little runts did to me. You have 5 minutes," Came Chris' loud voice through the speaker.

The boys in the dorms groaned.

Personally, that did not affect me in any way. I was still stuffed from last night so I was all set for today.

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