It's Never Over

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Emma and Killian had stopped Silvia with the most powerful thing in all of the realms. True love. Mary Margaret never stopped believing that Emma could save Silvia. David had finally accepted Killian (a bit.) And everything in Storybrooke had been normal.

It only lasted a few weeks, but Emma enjoyed the calm before the storm. She liked being able to spend time with Henry and Killian. She loved them both with all her heart. She had just figured it out. Maybe she can have a happy ending. Maybe Killian really is a survivor. Maybe everyone she loves will be okay if she just has hope.

And then Maleficent, Cruella, Ursula, and Rumpelstiltskin came. They wreaked havoc on the town. Tore Emma away from her parents with secrets and lies. Made her bond with Killian stronger and learned that even the Savior has a bit of darkness in her heart.

Emma had sacrificed herself to save Regina. She had just witnessed Killian die in front of her, thinking it was the end. And then she got him back. Now, she lost him again. She was gone and Killian was alone. He would do anything in his power to find her.

And maybe-just maybe-he would succeed.

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