A Home

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~Emma's POV~
We all stared at her in shock. "What the hell are you talking about? I think that I would know if you were in my family," I said, unconvinced that we were at all related. "Well to be fair, the first time you saw your parents you had no idea who they were." she replied. I looked at the ground. "Point taken," I said. "The prince in the story was Prince James. David's twin brother." There was silence. "My brother was to be married to Princess Abigail. There's no way that he was your father." David argued. "He met my mother before he was to be wed with Abigail. That's one of the main reasons why his father wanted him to marry her." Silvia explained. We all just stood there in shock. "If you're James' daughter then that would make you..." Mary Margaret couldn't finish her sentence. "Your niece." Silvia finished. It was quiet again. "I have this. It's the only thing left of my parents." Silvia took a locket out of her pocket and handed it to me. It was a golden chain with a golden heart charm. I opened the locket and found a picture inside. It was of James and a woman with brown curly hair and deep brown eyes. They were kissing each other. The other part of the locket was a mirror with some words etched into it. I read them aloud, "Follow your heart. No matter the path you take, good or bad. Just follow it till the end of time." Everyone crowded around me to look at it. "I came back mainly to get help with my little predicament, but I also came because...because I needed a home," Silvia said sadly. 'She's....she's just like me when I was younger.' I thought to myself. "What was your mother's name?" Mary Margaret asked. "Thalia. She had a very dark soul, yet my father brought out some goodness in her. That is how I got my magic." Silvia replied. "You're my cousin." Henry said. Everyone looked at him. Silvia nodded. "That's not what we need to worry about though. You see, my heart is like a clock. One day it'll be the bright part. The next is the mixed part-that's what it was today. Lastly, my heart will be the dark black part. Then the cycle repeats. Just like a clock." Silvia explained. "I told you how bad my blackness was. I will kill almost everything I see. But there is a way to stop it from being that way." Killian raised an eyebrow. "This is the thing that Swan can potentially help you with?" Silvia nodded.

"There is one way to rid me of the blackness. But first, I think that you all need a little lesson." I walked up to Silvia and put my hands on her shoulders. "Let's head to my parent's house first."

The ride wasn't too long there. Just about ten minutes, but it was awkward enough. "I can see how you two see each other." Silvia said from the back seat. Killian turned around and raised an eyebrow at her. "Can you see what we think about ourselves, too?" Silvia nodded. She stared at Killian for a moment. "Ha!" She laughed. Killian looked back at her. "What's so funny?" "The very first thing that pops up when you think about yourself is devilishly handsome." Killian looked back up front. "Well it's true, isn't it?" He said with a smirk. I shook my head, but I smiled a little. "You also think of yourself as a better man. You don't think that you're just a pirate anymore. You think that you actually are a good man and have changed," Silvia added. Killian looked out the window. "Easy lass. Don't be sharing everything that goes on it my head." Silvia looked over at me. "You see yourself as...as.." Silvia stopped. "What? Is it that bad?" I asked her. She shook her head. "No, it's just a little sad. That's all." We finally got to my parents' apartment. "So, if you're family then who are you going to stay with?" I asked. She shrugged. "Probably the same place I've been staying." "Where's that?" She looked down. "Doesn't matter. We need to hurry though. We're running out of time."

We all walked inside, but Silvia held me back. "Emma, can I talk to you?" I looked at Killian. "Go ahead. We'll only be a few minutes." He nodded and went inside. "You see yourself as...well...alone. You feel like nobody understands you most of the time. You desperately want somebody to, but nobody can. You feel overwhelmed by being the savior. You want happiness." Silvia said softly. I needed to put up my walls. I needed to be emotionless. "So?" "So?! You need love, Emma. Your parents and Henry aren't enough. They just can't give you what you want." I looked at her with a blank expression on my face. "You don't know me." "Yes I do. I have known you since the day you were born. I know your past. I know your emotions and feeling. I DO know you." Silvia said angrily. She shook her head. "This is going to be harder than I thought."

We walked inside to see everyone ready to hear the rest of Silvia's conversation. "Alright. So, imagine love like a cup filled with liquid. Each two people have their own cup. The cup can be filled or drained. Just like love. I was told that I need three couples with undying love. In other words, I need three full cups to rid me of my blackness." She paused to see if anyone had any questions. Henry spoke up. "Who are the three couples?" Silvia smiled. "I'm glad you asked. They are David and Mary Margaret, you and Emma, and...some other person." She said mysteriously. "David and Mary Margaret are spot on. They already have a full cup. Emma and Henry don't have too far to go, but the last couple has some work that has to be done. Also, I can't use my magic to interfere with your emotions. It has to be true, untouched, undying love." Silvia rolled her eyes. "You all probably know about all of that mushy crap." Mary Margaret looked stunned. "I wasn't expecting a person whose life is based on love to say such things." "Well love is kind of stupid. Anyways, I wanted you all to help and to try to contain me somewhere safe tomorrow. You know, the whole evil thing." Silvia added. "That's all I need. If you can do that, then I'm home free and I'll leave you all alone." "Who said that we wanted you to leave us alone?" David said. Silvia shrugged. "I've been told plenty of times before that I was a pest. Pests are annoying and stupid. That pretty much sums up my life." Mary Margaret walked towards her and gave her a hug. "We don't look at you that way. You're a part of the family now. You are going to stay here with us." David's eyes widened. "Snow, we didn't talk about this-" "there isn't anything to talk about. Welcome to our home!" Neil started to make noises from his crib in the bedroom. Mary Margaret raced over to get him. "Thank you! Thank you so much!" That was the first time that I saw Silvia genuinely happy. That look in her eyes was so familiar. So very familiar.

"Do you mind staying with Regina while Silvia's here, kid?" I asked Henry. He shook his head. "No, it's fine. We should call a town meeting or something so that everyone knows that Silvia is a friend." I nodded. "I'm going to go tell my other mom about Silvia. I'll see you all later." Henry said as he ran through the door. We waved goodbye and relaxed a little bit. "Can I talk to you and Hook really quick?" Silvia asked. I nodded and Killian and I stepped outside. "So I thought that I should tell you guys that you two are the last couple. So... yeah." Silvia said this quietly. 'Just great!' I thought. 'The only way I can save a little girl from becoming evil is to be in love with my...boyfriend? Is that what I would call Killian?' "Shouldn't be too hard. Right Swan?" Killian said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes. "How full is 'our cup' anyway?" I said using her expression. "A little more than halfway full, I would say. Lots of work will have to be done." She responded. "Well, happy birthday to me." Was all I could think of to say.

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