The Truth

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Killian's POV
We stood there as still as statues. Silvia didn't know where Emma's heart was. She couldn't help us.

She was just as bad as the Crocodile. Just as bad and gruesome as him. He stole my heart. I won't ever let anyone steal Emma's.

I walked right up to Silvia and grabbed the collar of her shirt. "What do you mean?! You better bloody find it or-" I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned and saw Swan. She had a concerned look on her face. "Killian, calm down." I didn't really want to calm down. The girl should leave Storybrooke and never come back. I let go of her shirt and backed away. Silvia had not looked frightened of me at all. "I know what you're thinking. I should leave town and never come back. I can see your thoughts remember." She said.

Oh yeah.

"But then I would just hurt the people out in the real world. Even without magic, I have ways." She said. Silvia shuffled her feet and looked at the ground. "I haven't been telling the entire truth to you both. You should probably know..." Swan looked at her with furrowed eyebrows. "How could you have lied to me?" She asked. Silvia looked back up at her. "I didn't lie, I just didn't say anything about it." I looked at her with a menacing look. "Go ahead then. Spit it out." Silvia clenched her fists. "Ok, fine! You want me to 'bloody spit it out?!'" She said in my accent. "I'll just bloody tell you then, mate!" I was getting impatient. "You're the reason why my mother is dead! You're the reason why she isn't here next to me! You're the reason why my life is screwed up!" She yelled. We all froze. "What is she talking about?" Swan asked me. I looked at Silvia with a confused look. "I don't have a single bloody idea." Silvia unclenched her fists and took a deep breath. "I'm sorry. But we need to hurry before..." Silvia's voice trailed off. "I'll tell you the truth now. You should probably know."

Swan walked over to me and whispered to me, "Do you have any idea what she is talking about?" I shook my head. "No. I've never met her nor her mother." Silvia started to walk back and forth in front of us. "Back when we were all still in the Enchanted Forest, my mother became wanted by King George. He didn't like that Prince James had fallen in love with her, so he separated them. My mother was pregnant at the time with me. I was born and grew up running away from his men." She kept walking back and forth. "But one day, they tracked us down and found us. They poisoned my mother with something...I don't know what it was. She told me that there was no cure and that she had barely any time left. Then, I heard about the infamous Captain Hook." Silvia pointed to me. "Rumors spread about some magical water in Neverland. More rumors spread about you being the only pirate that's ever been to Neverland and lived. This water could cure my mother. Even better, we could be away from King George's men in Neverland. We would finally be safe." She stopped walking and looked at me with cold eyes. "We went to you looking for help. But all you did was turn us down. I asked you if you could take us there and that I would pay anything you wanted. You wanted something that I could not deliver-The Dark One's dagger." I looked down at the ground. She continued talking. "I told you that I could not give that to you. You said these exact words, 'If you can't get me what I want then I don't give a damn on what you want.'" It was bad enough that I had said those things, but it was worse that I didn't remember saying them. "My mother fought you. And, unbelievably, you won. Sort of. You tried to stab her in the heart, but I got in the way. You stabbed me with your stupid hook." We stood there speechless. "Then how are you still alive?" Swan asked. "Good question. My mother transferred all of her magic to me and I became that weird freak that I am today. The power withdrawal killed her."

That was the story of how I killed an innocent woman. And turned a young girl into something that she wasn't.

A monster.

"I didn't want you to tell the King's men that we were there, so I took your memories and ran away." Silvia finished with a quiet voice. Swan grabbed my arm. " didn't know. It's not your fault." I pulled away from her and walked away. I needed to be alone for awhile. Because of the monster I once was, a girl was left an orphan. She turned into a killer. If anything, it's my fault that Swan's heart is missing in the first place.

I wish that I could take it all back.

Love, Trust, and Magic [A Captain Swan Fanfiction]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat