Move On

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Killian's POV
I hung up the phone and waited for Swan to show up. I didn't want to speak to her, or anyone else for that matter. But if I pushed her away, she would just find someway to get into my head and make me regret doing that. Now orcs could describe how ashamed I felt. I had already done so many terrible things in the past and now this had to be added to the pile. I just wanted to live a happy life with the one person in this world that sees me as a good man.

Swan got here sooner than I thought she would. I saw her emerge from the trees and walk onto the bridge next to me. I looked down at the water and I saw something odd. A patch of purple flowers were in one area and there were not other flowers around it. I shook the thought away as Swan stood next to me. "How are you feeling?" She asked. I didn't answer. "You know this won't change anything between us, Killian. The past is in the past. You need to move on from your mistakes and live in the present." I looked away from the water and at her beautiful green eyes. Those emerald eyes that always pulled me in and wouldn't let me go. "She's an orphan because of me." I whispered quietly. Swan shook her head. "No. It's not your fault. Stop saying that. Just please forget about it." She stepped closer to me and grabbed my hand. I wanted to kiss her all over. I wanted to whisper to her how much I loved her. I wanted to hold her close to me for the rest of my life. I broke the space between us and put my lips on hers. I put my hook on her waist and pulled her so close that our bodies were touching. I took my hand out of hers and ran it through her golden hair. She had her arms wrapped around my neck started to run her fingers through my hair. I melted more into the kiss and begged for entrance. She moaned as my tongue slipped into her mouth. We moved passionately until we ran out of air. Both of us pulled back and breathed heavily. "What was that for?" She asked smiling. I raised an eyebrow. "That was just a thank you."

"For what?"

"For you."

We walked back through the woods and to her vessel. Swan and I got in and we drove back to her home. "What are you thinking about Silvia?" She asked me. We had ridden in complete silence and she only started to speak once we stopped and had exited the machine. "I'm not sure what we should do. At least she doesn't know where your heart is. She can't hurt you." Swan looked at me. "She can hurt the people close to me. That's what I'm really afraid of." I walked over to her and enveloped her in my arms. "As long as I'm here, nobody will ever hurt you." I gave her a quick kiss and we walked inside. Swan's parents were waiting inside along with Regina, Henry, and Neal. "Did you find Silvia?" Charming asked. Swan nodded. "Yeah. Don't worry, she's not a threat. For now." Snow looked confused as she rocked Neal in her arms. "What do you mean 'for now?'" Swan looked over at me. This was also news to me.

"Silvia's heart is turning dark. Almost completely dark. She will be her dark self again tomorrow. We need to find my heart and just finish what we started." We all stared at her in shock. Silvia would be evil again tomorrow. Less than twenty four hours away. It was now beginning to be night. "I say that we just let her go over the town line. She can't hurt anyone without magic." Regina said. "We can't just let a girl go into an unknown world. She's still just a child." Snow argued. Everyone began to talk at once. "HEY!" Swan yelled. Everyone hushed. "I'm the sheriff of this town. I say that Silvia is not going to go over that town line." Nobody said a word. "Now I say that we just find my heart tomorrow before Silvia does. Got it?" We all nodded. "Good."

Suddenly, the door opened and there stood Silvia. She looked extremely tired and worn out. "I agree with Emma. I want to be rid of this monster just as much as you do. I don't want to hurt anyone. I just want to be a normal girl." She closed the door and stepped inside. "I will stay in the woods tonight. I'll try to get as far away from town as possible." That seemed like the best plan at the moment. "I'll poof myself at the very edge of the town and try to stay there until morning. I'll poof back in case I remember anything else." She looked around to see if anyone would say anything else. "Okay. See you tomorrow. Good luck." She was about to leave when she remembered something.

"And if you find Emma's heart, whatever you do, don't tell me where it is."

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