The Darkest Heart

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/Killian's POV/
"THIS IS ALL WRONG!" I shouted, pointing to the magic box. Charming looked at me with an annoyed expression. "Hook, shut up and just watch the movie!" I shook my head. "But-" Charming gave me a cold glare. I sat back and relaxed. I leaned in and whispered to Swan. "I do not look like that." She laughed. "Are you sure?" I rolled my eyes. "I told you, love. I'm devilishly handsome," I said with a smirk. I looked back at the magic box and saw "me." I looked hideous. With that beard and mustache and long unfashionable clothes. Bad form to wear those rags. "What was this called again?" I asked Swan. "Peter Pan," she responded. I rolled my eyes again. "They should name it 'Captain Hook.'" I mumbled.

Once it had gotten late, Snow had turned off the magic box and put Neal to sleep. Her and Charming went to bed. Silvia had fallen asleep in the armchair. "Wake her up. We need to go and lock her in the vault. I'll call Regina and tell her to meet us there." She walked into the kitchen as I went to Silvia. I shook her awake. "What is it? What happened? Is something wrong?" She said with a panicked voice. I shook my head. "Nothing is wrong. We need to go to the vault and well..." I didn't finish. It sounded weird to tell someone that you were locking them up somewhere. She sighed and nodded. Swan came back from the kitchen. "We're ready to go."  
We all had piled up into Swan's vessel and were on our way. We drove to the forest and grabbed some flashlights. We started to walk into the dark woods. Silvia trailed behind. "How is she so powerful? She's only a teenager," Swan said. I shrugged. "Don't know. Perhaps it's better that we don't know." She looked at me questionably. "What do you mean?" I thought for a second. "Think about it. At least she doesn't fight for power over the people that she loves." I said, thinking about the Dark One. "I can hear you two you know. I have never loved anyone. I have been alone all of my life." She started to walk past us at a quick pace. We got to Regina's vault and stood there waiting for her. Silvia looked towards us. "And I'm not a teenager. I may look like I am, but I'm not. Remember, time stood still for twenty eight years. Add twenty eight-actually twenty nine-to thirteen." Swan did the math quickly. "Are you saying that you're forty two years old?" Silvia shrugged. "Technically, yes." Regina came in a cloud of smoke. "Let's get this over with." She said in a bored tone.

Regina waved her hands and the doors to her vault opened. Regina walked inside while we all followed. Silvia looked around. "What do I do all night? Just stand here?" Regina waved her hand and her father's coffin moved to the side, revealing a staircase. "Shall we?" Regina said, ignoring Silvia's question. We walked down the stairs and found ourselves in a large room. Regina pointed to an empty corner of the room and a bed appeared. "You will sleep all night." Regina said. I raised an eyebrow. "What else would she do?" Swan tapped my shoulder and I looked over at her. In another room were tons of tiny boxes that were glowing red. Hearts. The thump-thump of them could be heard throughout the whole vault. "How do I sleep with that noise?" Regina turned back to look at her. "If you're so powerful then why don't you just make them quiet?" Regina mocked. Silvia waved her hand and the noise was gone. Regina chuckled. "She makes you look like a child, Savior." Swan pretended to not have heard. "Alright. We should go. You gonna be ok?" Swan asked Silvia. She nodded. "Yeah. Make sure that nobody comes near here at all. Not even any of you," Silvia said mysteriously. We all nodded. We walked back up the stairs and out of the vault. Regina closed the door and sealed it with magic. "Hope you didn't use blood magic." Swan mumbled. Regina shot her a glance. We walked back to her vessel and stood there for a second. "Do you think that this is right? Like, is this the right choice?" I grabbed her hand. "Aye, Love. Let's go home." I kissed her quickly. Regina grimaced. "I better leave before I vomit." And then she disappeared in a cloud of purple smoke.
I had gone back to Granny's that night. I didn't really sleep all too well, so I ended up waking early and going to the docks. I wandered around and looked at the water. I wondered where the Jolly Roger was. Well it didn't really matter anymore. Emma was my new love. One that I would never give up on. Did she feel the same way about me? It was hard to tell. Once it was late morning, I went to the Charming's home. I knocked on the door and Charming answered it. Great. "You're here early, Hook. What do you want?" He asked in an aggressive tone. I saw Snow in the kitchen not paying attention to us. "I just came to see Emma," I said. If I wanted her father to like me then I would have to call Swan by her first name in front of him. He closed the door and stepped outside. He wasn't too much taller than me, but his strength made it a little intimidating. "You can try all you want. I'll never like you. She'll never truly love you. You're just a pirate that'll break her heart and move on to another woman."


"For your information mate, I have only ever loved two women. Milah and Emma. So I don't understand why you're so worried about me breaking her heart. Because that will never happen." I said with determination. He looked at me in shock. "That doesn't mean that you haven't changed one bit." He opened the door and walked back inside. I slipped inside before he could interject. Just then, Swan came downstairs. "Hey," She said giving me a quick kiss. Charming looked away. "Are you ready to go?" She asked him. He looked back over at us. "Yeah. Let me grab my coat." he walked over to the coat rack and got his brown jacket. They left without another word. I followed. When Swan and Charming were about to get in her vessel, I stopped her. "What am I supposed to do all day?" I asked. She shrugged. "You could get a job." I laughed as if she had just told a joke. They left right after that, leaving me alone in the parking lot. I started walking away from the Charming home when I heard a scream come from town. It had come from the library.

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