Chapter 2: Boat ride to Neverland

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"We didn't mean to disturb you," Jake said, his voice shaky when the man turned his gaze to him. Myra couldn't see the colour of his eyes through the darkness, but she was sure they were a crazy shade.

"It's ok, hermano, it's ok," the man answered, looking back at his men with a smile. "I understand you kids want to have some fun, I get that," his voice was a bit roach, and that was a wee bit attractive to Myra, who stood there watching him.

"Yeah," Jake answered. The man laughed again. 

"Well, now it's our turn to have some fun, no, don't you think?" he said. With one quick gesture of his hand, the men boarded the trio's boat. Myra's heart squeezed with fear as one man grabbed Ella by the hair. She screamed and thrashed around. She yelped for help as they dragged her onto the other boat.

Jake was being held back by two men, who were beating him down to the ground. Another man punched him square in the face as Myra backed away towards the boat wheel. "Fuck," she mumbled under her breath as she twist around for the wheel.

"Get away Myra!" Jake yelled as she heard Ella scream again. Fear was making Myra tremble as she stumbled onto her knees. A hand clamped around her wrists before she could get up.

"Going anywhere?" the voice above her asked. She looked up franctically, and saw the man with the mohawk looming over her, a smile on his face. She whimpered and stumbled back again, twisting her body around to get up. His arms wrapped themselves around her waist and brought her close to him. "Ah, ah, hermana, no need to be scared," he said and chuckled.

Myra heard another scream, and this time she yanked her head back with all the courage she could muster and slammed the back of her head on the forehead of her assailant. "Motherfucker!" this one screamed. She freed herself from his grip and ran to the front of the boat. She saw all the other men just standing there watching as their leader got up, wiping blood from his forehead.

One hopped down into the boat, dangerously close to Myra. "No!" his leader belowed from behind. "I'll get her. She can't get any fucking further than this." And in a beat, he sprinted across the boat to a breathless and terrorised Myra. He took out his gun, and with the butt of his weapon, smacked it on Myra's skull.

"MYRA!" Jake yelled. Myra's limp body fell to the floor of the boat. Her eyes drooped and dizziness clouded her thoughts. She watched through half closed lids as her assailant picked her up like a potato sack and brought her to his boat.

The last thing she remebered is the man yelling, "let's go, you fucks, we don't have all fucking day!" before she fell unconsious.

 Myra woke up to a huge headache and an aching body. Her mind was swimming in and out of consiousness. Sometimes she could here the waves of the ocean and she thought she was back in the hotel, but the memories of what had happen came rushing back.

With the same rush that pushed her to her feet, Myra ran. She ran into a deep jungle, trees so thick and green it hurt her eyes. She didn't know why she was running, but she was. Her eyes barely open and her legs wobbly, she ran and ran. After awhile, she fell to her knees and crawled. The dirt got under her nails and she whimpered, cried, and sobbed to herself, praying to see her friends. Her clothes were ripped after crawling for what seemed like hours. Her breath was slow and dangerously fading in her lungs. The air around her was heavy, heavy with something only she knew due to her darkness. Death.

Myra fell to the ground, her head wobbling to the side. The rain started soon after and she looked up through the web of leaves at the sky. It was grey, the clouds crowding it and rain falling. She gulped down the water, soothing her raw throat that she hadn't realized needed hydration.

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