I passed them without a word but not before I saw their hurt faces.

~~~~Lunch Time~~~~

By the time lunch rolled around, I was itching to get to the cafeteria. I brought some money with me today.

I had ignored the boys the whole day and they must have got the message because they ignored me too.

I walked to the food line getting a burger and chips before paying the lady. I went outside with my food and sat under my tree.

Carefully, I unwrapped the warm burger and bit into it. I had finished my lunch within a couple of minutes.

Only having half of my battery on my phone, I didn't listen to any music. Instead I went to the fence that I saw Dylan in once.

Seeing him playing put a smile on my face but also made my heart ache. He was having so much fun with his friends and I didn't want to see him get taken away from them again when we move towns.

Dylan caught me looking at him and he grinned and waved at me. I waved back, letting out a laugh. He's such a good kid and I couldn't have asked for a better brother.


It was English and so far the boys would either glare at me or ignore me and to make matters worse, Zach and Tyler were in this class.

I sat at the back and they sat on the other side of the classroom at the back.

I could feel them glancing at me every so often but just ignored them. Halfway through the class miss called my name.

"Skylar and Tyler," before carrying on.

"Millie and Adam."

"Maddie and Zach."

I looked over at Tyler to find him and Zach whispering to each other.

"I can't, she already heard my name," Tyler whisper shouted before he stormed over to me.

He slumped down into the chair next to me and turned to face me.

"So, what's this project on?" I asked.

"Your view on love and what it is to you," he answers. I roll my eyes.

Love. What is love?

Love is bullshit. What's the point in loving if we are all going to get hurt anyway?

In a relationship, either somebody cheats on the other or the other dies. Either way, we are left heartbroken, crying and trying to pick up the pieces of our broken, shattered hearts. Failing to fill in the hole left in our heart.

It's pointless in finding true love, it never ends well.

I only love for my friends and family and that's pretty much just Dylan.

I nodded at him.

"For this project you will need to arrange times to do this out of school hours." The teacher informed us.

"So whose house do you want to do it at?" Tyler asked.

"Yours," I answered instantly.

He raised his eyebrows at me before responding, "Okay."

The bell went a few minutes after and I left the classroom, going outside to pick Dylan up.

On the way there, Tyler caught up to me.

"Hey, why don't we start working on that project tomorrow after school? I'll text you the address."

As I was getting my phone out to exchange numbers I spoke, "Oh, so now you can talk to me. What made you become nice all of a sudden?"

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