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Atem's attention was caught as well by the small boy who shouted with joy, and he could only give a hearty chuckle as a response, before he moved one of his hands to rest on his wound, calming himself before he overdid it. "That you are little Heba."

Watching as the boy darted off within his home, the Pharaoh gave a hug back to Yugi, leaning his head this time upon the shorter one's shoulder. " I love you too, my little Aibou." He whispered, his hands outstretching till his fingers had to detach from Yugi's

Turning towards Solomon, he straightened his posture out a bit, letting his hands rest at his sides. " I know we have only just met, and that this request is rather sudden, but being the Pharaoh does not allow for time for decisions to be thought on much. I hope you will like it in the Palace though."

Taking a few steps back,to finish letting them pack, the young King turned his head towards the Nile. A smile still stuck to his face. If nothing else, this moment, and the ones to come where memories he could relish in, all because of his love for Egypt's life force.

When the three had finished packing, Atem had ordered a few guards to being a horse and carriage to easily bring their belongings back; while they walked to their destination; the High Priest's surrounding them. The Pharaoh walked at Yugi's side, his hand interlocking with the smaller boy's as he made his way there.

When they arrived he'd assigned Karim to show Heba and Solomon to their rooms, before having Yugi follow him, leading the boy to a room just across from his own chamber. " It is not the same chamber as mine, though you are welcome to stay in mine, but I felt you should have a room of your own; incase you would like the privacy. We can decorate it however you wish, this is simply barren as of now."

The room was simple, a bed in the middle, a balcony to overlook the Nile as Atem's did, and a chest at the bottom for storage of special items. Where the Pharaoh's room housed a table for his jewels, and Purple silk drapery and sheets, Yugi's only had white. He'd have to get a color made for Yugi, but he wanted it to be Yugi's decision.

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