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Mana had placed her staff off to the side, giving little Heba a high five. "See you around kid, you are welcome anytime you want to come hang with me and I'm not training" She waved off to him, passing by Atem and Yugi, giving them both a small smile. " And I expect to see you tomorrow Atem, no more of this missing a day stuff, I want all the details of this."

With a silly gin on her face, Atem watched as Mana skipped off back to her chamber. Looking back over to Yugi, he moved to give him a small kiss on his forehead, before holding his other hand open for Heba. "I'm not able to walk home with you both, but I can walk you to the gates and send you a guard with you as an escort. That way I'll know if you returned home safe."

The Pharaoh did just that, walking them at a slow pace back to the front of the Palace before giving Yugi a small send off hug, assigning a guard to accompany behind them on their journey home.

That night his sleep had been rouugh. By the time the sun had finally set, and his High priests had returned; they hadn't come with the best of news. While the village Seto and Shada had gone to was satisfied, the village Karim and Aknadin had only been subdued. It was a fight between land, which village would get more land for some crops; but neither were willing to split the land, so the Pharaoh had decided that he would divide it equally; and allow other arrangements to be made between the villages if they wish to trade lands.

Atem had spent some of his night making reservations, building up his army plans, and plotting out with his Priests for a war that might break out. He also spent his time making a deal witth Mahad. If a war was to break out, he'd be with Yugi, protecting him as his service to his Pharaoh.

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