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Yugi stared a bit at Atem now adorning the Millennium puzzle along with other various pieces of jewelry. He also saw the prominent blush on his face as well, much like Yugi whenever he thought of his pharaoh. Yugi smiled and pulled Heba and Himself up off the sand after Atem had greeted them.

Yugi acted next without thinking it through as always, he went up to Atem and pulled him into a hug. He felt the King stiffen at first. But eventually returned the hug. After Yugi pulled away, heba came dashing in for a hug and once he set his to something there was no stopping him. Yugi laughed and watched Atem try to break free. Finally having pity for the boy he pried Heba off of Atem.

"Heba wanted to come today. And I couldn't say no. Anyway, How have you been? You look tired?" Yugi asked him, not really knowing what to expect.

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