Chapter 15

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-Monday, 8:43-

-Victory's POV-

I walked down to my match I had with a mystery opponent. I hope it's someone high up and someone everyone would talk about. Pedro, my stalker, was following me down to the ring. Was I annoyed? Yes. Could I do anything? No. I was on probation and could get fired on any terms for whatever I do. It totally sucks.

Kane was waiting for me at the gorilla station, he glared over at Pedro was we walked up. I guess no one liked Pedro on first look, I sure don't. I spoke before Kane could, "This is my probation, we're just gonna have to go with him."

"Fine." Kane still glared at Pedro with glazed eyes.

A commanding crew came over to us, "Victory, Kane, You're on in two minutes." I looked at the TV and Micheal Cole and Jerry Lawler were talking about what happened with me and Kane and about the match next. I wanted it to stop, but I guess it would be a good thing, our name was going around everywhere. "30 seconds." The guy said again.

Kane and I positioned ourselves in front of the curtain and waited for the fire to hit. Kane and I had mixed our music together, first his fire would hit and then my music, I'm Not Alright by Shinedown, would hit soon after. We had to cut some of the beginning to fit with the fire, but the outcome sounded pretty good. Fire flashed around the ring, then my lyrics started, "All dressed up, in a white straitjacket

Shut your mouth, no you can't have it

Paper airplanes, open windows,

here today and gone tomorrow"

We walked out with boos and hisses. Like we cared. It didn't take long to entire the ring and for Kane to stay next to the apron. Maybe my opponent was Eve or Kaytlin. John's music hit. Wait, John?! What was he doing here? Certainty Vince wouldn't make me fight someone like John.

"Relax, Victory." John just had to have a mic, didn't he? "I'm not your opponent. I'm just gonna watch the match from ringside." He cautiously came down the ramp.

I pointed my finger at John and tried to give a command, "Kane-"

Of course, Stalker had to interrupt me, "Ms.Brine, I don't think that would be the greatest idea." I was getting enough of him.

I huffed and stopped my attempt of sicking Kane on him. John stood on the other side of the ring from Kane, he looked at me and I glared back. He knew he wasn't suppose to be here, so why was he? A new music came, it was a Maroon 5 song, I didn't know the title, but I knew it was Maroon 5 because Dani listened to it all the time. It was a rookie, finally, I wasn't the new kid on the block.

The newest Diva came out and the whole crowd went silent. She had a short tank top with the words 'Love being me' writting on her chest and short, short jeans on that stopped an inch off the beginning of her thigh. Randy followed behind her, but I barely noticed. That was Dani. What was she doing out here?

"Ladies and Gentelmen, please welcome, your newest WWE Diva, Dani!" She came down a little shyly but Randy kept pushing her forward little by little. She watched me, the look on her face said, 'sorry, but I couldn't have you kown;. I stared her down, if looks could kill, she would've died times by now. She got in the ring and cringed at the site of my glare.

I walked up to her and grabbed her by the collar of her shirt and lightly pull her closer to me, "What the hell are you doing?" I whispered. I was just mad, I don't need it to happen again.

She whispered, "Don't get mad." She pleaded, "This has been my dream too."

"Why didn't you tell me?" I was mad, Dani didn't keep secrets from me much, because she angered me when she did, "Do you not trust me anymore?"

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