Chapter 4

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-Monday Night-

Dani and I waited in the locker room for Randy and John. Anyone could tell Dani was scared. She was fidgeting like she's just seen a ghost. Well, considering what we're about to do, it would be much worse. "Are you sure you want to go through with this?" She asked me for the 10th time. 

I kept an emotionless expression on my face, "Yes, they all will pay." I was sitting on the couch while Dani was pacing back and forth. She sat next to me and had concern radiating off her. 

"I don't like it when you get like this. Revenge isn't always the answer, Vic. Plus you scare me. Bring back my Victory, bring me back my best friend."

 I finally made eye contect with her, "Let me worry about this, you'll have your Victory back to normal soon, just let me do this." There was a knock at the door before she could answer. Dani was visibly shaking. "Come in." John and Randy stood at the doorway. They seemed concerned just less concerned than Dani was.

"Ya ready?" Randy asked.

"I am." I stood up and I knew Dani wouldn't let me do this without her. We walked down the hall to Kane's locker room. Dani stood all the behind Randy who was in the back. John stood behind me and I was sure not to show one ounce of fear. We came up to the door and I knocked on it. 

"Who is it?" Kane's mincing voice yelled through the door.

"Victory. Kane I need to talk to you about something." I made sure my voice was strong. 

After a small spell of silence, he finally replied, "Come in. Alone." I looked back at the others, how he knew there was more than one, I had no idea, but I opened the door with caution. Something pulled me in and closed the door behind me. It was dark in his locker room. A couple candles here and there ,but you couldn't make out anything. 

I gulped, something was just now telling me this was a bad idea. "What have you come here for?" His voice blasted again, it was broader when you were in the room. I couldn't see where he was, and that made me even more scared. 

"I've come to ask you a favor."

"A favor?" He was caught off guard, anyone could tell it in his voice. 

"I wish to embrace my hate on somebody, but I need your help to scare her."

"Who do you wish to scare?"

"The Diva's Champion, AJ. I'm sick of her thinking she's the best. I want her to see I'm an enemy, not just a rookie. I want her to know what I'm capable of."

"Very good. I hope you know the charges of what comes with making a deal with a demon?" 


"If I do this for you, you automatically give me permission to do as I wish to one of your comrades." He'd probably go after John or Randy. Even though, they'd never know that I did it. They could just think Kane came up with this all on his own. My name wouldn't even be mentioned. 

"Very well."

"Then we have a deal that will go in effect of tonight. Good doing business with you." The door opened and I flew out into the arms of John. They were all looking at me with the same expression.

I stood myself up, dusted myself off, and told them their dying question, "The deal is done." Dani squeezed me too tightly, I could barly breath.

"Nothing else?" Randy asked. I shook my head. John and Randy gave a look of conern at each other.

"Vic, you are so brave."Dani said to me as we walked back to my locker room. "What was it like in there?"

"Dark, scary, and you couldn't see Kane, it was too dark." I was trying avoid the part where it involved John or Randy that they had to go up against Kane unexpectedly. I had a match with AJ, so I wanted to see what he would do then. I turned on the TV and saw AJ talking crap about me. I turned off the TV so I could hear exactly what she was saying.

"Ladies and Gentlmen, the newest Diva of the WWE, Victory," My screenshot was placed on the jumbotron. "She's not who you think she is, well her family isn't anyways. I've done my research and have found that her father, is an alcoholic." I froze, I kept emotion from my face even though I could feel John and Randy's eyes were staring at me. "And her mother, drug addict." How was she getting this information. I gave it to nobody. How did she find out? "Oh, and her brother? In jail for possession of herion while drunk driving. How sad." I sprinted out the door, this had gone too far. John and Randy had gone after me, but I needed to stop this. I grabbed a mic before I sprinted out there.

"And she has a sister, who's dead." 

"Shut up!" I boomed. This was far over the line. "How the hell did you know that? I've told nobody." 

"I have my sources." 

"You've crossed the line." I said as I entered the ring. 

"I'm just showing the WWE Universe your family and your faith, just like the rest of your deadbeat family."

"You just need to shut the-" I was cut off by fire surrounding the ring. I ducked, AJ did too. This was Kane's fire. I looked back to see John and Randy kept back by a fire at the top of the ramp. Me and AJ were trapped. The fire around the ring went down, but the one at the top of ramp didn't Kane didn't want them to come down here at all. My hands were starting to shake at the sudden turn of events. 

AJ was sitting on the ground, looking around for Kane in the audience. I heard a ripping sound, but I wasn't really sure with all the sounds everywhere. In the center of the ring, was a hand. Something was pulling itself out of the ring. It was the monster. I left out an involuntary scream. That caught AJ's attention, when she turned around, there was a 7 foot beast in front of her. I was too scared to move. I watched as Kane picked her up by the neck, he wasn't gonna, he couldn't. Kane did the unthinkable, he choked slammed AJ through the ring. 

Kane smiled over at me and reached for me, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me up to my feet. He didn't do anything to me, he just rose my hand up, something the ref might do. AJ came from under ring, and started to run out the ramp. She turned back and saw me. She was terrified. She started running again, all the way backstage. I noticed she didn't have the championship with her. 

Kane went over to the hole in the ring and reached for something. The Championship. He handed it to me. It was the first time I got to see it up close. It was beautiful. Kane whispered in my ear, "All for you. All because of you." I gulped. He left the ring through the audience. I was sitting in the middle of the ring. After Kane was out of the way, John and Randy came down the ramp and came to my side. 

"Are you ok?" John whispered. I nodded my head. I was too in shock to move or talk. John picked me up bridal style and took me to the back. My lip was shaking, I wasn't about to cry was I? I was just scared the mess out of. We got to my locker room and John put me on the couch. I sat up from the there, I still had the Championship in my hands. I placed it next to me and stared at the ground. 

"What the hell was that?" Randy asked once he closed the door.  I was staring at a piece of paper on the ground. I read the words over and over again, it couldn't be. John followed my gaze and saw the paper as well, he picked it up and read it again. John gave it to Randy and Randy sat it next to me. I read the words one more time to make sure it wasn't a dream

-Missing somebody? -K - 

I hugged my knees to my chest and whispered to myself, "What have I done?"

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