Chapter 8

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*Victory's POV*

I stretched out on my bed and opened my eyes. Randy was gone from last night. Ugh. Last night. I had a bad dream and I had asked Randy to stay and sleep with me. I was embaressed to ask, but he said keep nothing from him and I did that. My stomach rumbled and that was my cue for breakfast. I got out of bed and went out the door.

I headed to the mini kitchen and grabbed a Hot Pocket. I lived off these things. I popped one in the mircowave and headed towards the couch. That's when I noticed John sleeping on the couch. When did he get back? Probably late last night, or he wouldn't still be sitting on the couch. I turned on the TV and lowered the volume so I wouldn't wake up John.

I turned the news back on. I don't know why, but I liked the news, current events actually entertained me. They were still talking about Kane's action from two days ago. The story didn't scare me anymore, it was just the thought of Kane being anywhere. I shivered.

I went back to my room and grabbed my phone. It started to ring as soon as I picked it up. I had perfect timing. I picked it up, "Hello?"

It was a lady on the phone, "Yes, is this Victory Brine?"

"Yes, this is she." I sat down on my bed and listened.

"Yes, I'm calling about Daniella Rosy." I stopped.

"Is she ok?" I panicked.

"Oh, she's fine. Great actually." She laughed. I let out a breath I didn't even knew I was holding, "I'm just here to tell you that she's ready to come home two weeks early. It was a quick recovery considering the damage that was done. What was it again?" I heard papers turning in the background, "Dislocated shoulder, broken rib, and highly bruised spine. She was a lucky one. Wasn't she?" She laughed.

"Yep, that's my Dani." I smiled.

"Well you can come pick her up today if you want, but we don't mind keeping her another day."

"No, we'll be by sometime today. Thank you for the update."

"You're welcome. Bye.

"Bye." I hung up and started bouncing on my bed. Dani was coming home.

I heard the microwave beep and I calmed down. I walked back to the living room and took out my Hot Pocket. "Well look whose up." The voice startled me. I almost dropped my Hot Pocket. I never noticed John ever got up.

"Jeez, you scared the crap out of me, John." He laughed and kept looking at me up and down. I went back to my Hot Pocket and grabbed a napkin. He never stopped staring at me the entire time, "What are you looking at?" I finally asked.

"How can I not look when you're wearing that?" Wearing what? I looked down and I totally forgot I was still in my undershirt and underwear. I could feel my face turn crimson. I almost never blushed. This was a new level of embarrassment for me. I put the Hot Pocket down and tried to at least cover up my underwear with my shirt. But of course, it was too small. Dammit! I rushed back to room to at least put on a pair of shorts. I found my pair of small purple shorts. It was better than nothing. I put them on and went back out, knowing my face was no longer red.

I picked up my Hot Pocket and made my way back to the couch. I sat next to John and threw my legs over his. "Ah," I heard him whine, "I liked it better without the shorts." He smiled.

"Well too bad." I said playfully. "I knew I felt a draft." I made him laugh. "When'd you get back last night?" I asked. Taking another bit out of my Hot Pocket.

"I got home around like, 4 or something."

"AM?" I said surprised.


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