Chapter 11

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*Victory's POV*

I stood up, off the couch once I looked up at the voice. It was my nightmare. The color drained from my face and I felt scared. It took a moment, but I got myself under control and made sure I put no sort of emotion in my face or voice. Kane didn't need to see that. "What are you doing here." I asked with a lifeless voice.

"Well, I heard you were back and I wanted to come and say 'Hi.'" I looked at him, I knew that wasn't why he was here, "Fine. I have a confession." This should be interesting, "When you asked me to do that favor for you last week, I was impressed, by the way you talked, you showed no fear. You let your hate flow, and that's exactly what I'm looking for."

"Looking for?"

"Yes, did you ever hear on the results of AJ last week?"

"Yeah, she had a mental breakdown."

"And you didn't." Yes, I did, "You are stronger than any other Diva here. And I have a proposal for you."

"Proposal?" I asked. I was very interested in what Kane had to say.

"Join me, so no one will ever take you for granite ever again."

"No way." I immediately.

"Hear me out. If you join forces with me, we can get you that championship in no time. And not only can you make your mark on the Diva's, you can also make your mark on the Superstars. But you can't do that without me. What do you want more? Friends or that Championship?"

I knew the answer to that, but I thought of John. I still couldn't let him find out about me and John. I thought more about the fact if this is the way to get it?

*Randy's POV*

I was just finishing getting dressed for the show when Dani came bursting into my locker room, "How dare she call me a whore!" I stood up at the surprise Dani gave me.

"Dani, what's wrong." I held onto her shoulders to calm her down.

"That bitch called me a whore."

I'm getting nowhere with this, "Who's the bitch."

"Victory." She finally said. Last time I left them, they were perfectly fine. "She was talking about Jordan and then she call me a whore." I tensed at the name 'Jordan', but there wasn't time for that. She started crying in my chest and I wrapped her into a hug.

"Calm down. Time will heal the wound."

*Victory's POV*

I followed behind Kane. He was massive, a lot bigger than I originally thought. Yes, I accepted his offer, I wanted more than to just be known as the new girl. I wanted to have respect. I didn't want people to say 'Oh, look, it's the new girl.' I wanted them to say, 'Look! It's the Champion!' Champion. That's a name I could get used to.

We walked to the gorilla position where we waited for Kane's infamous fire to hit. We devised up a plan that would get everybody. We were gonna interrupt Punk and Del Rio's match. We were after Punk considering he was WWE Champion. I didn't mind going after Punk, he's been a jerk every since I got here. I looked up at the TV in the gorilla station. Punk was about to deliver a GTS, but that's when the fire hit. "Go on." Kane ordered.

I walked out I could hear murmmers of what's going on. They were all expecting to see a big, red monster appear. Instead, came out me. The new girl. That was all going to change after tonight. I was finally putting my foot down on this. Punk and Del Rio, stopped their match to find out what's going on here. I went up to the aprin and stepped on it.

Punk came up to me and asked, "What are you doing out here. Go to the back where you belong." I was kinda shocked at his words, but then anger settled in as I heard him mutter, "Rookie." Anger started to boil and I had to think on my feet to get the plan in motion. I motioned for the ref to come here and he was looking at me with the same expression.

I whispered in his ear, "I've been told by Mr.McMahonn to tell you to do a check on Del Rio. He suspects he has a weapon of some sort and he wants to make sure." The ref nodded and went over to Del Rio. He whispered in Del Rio's ear and Del RIo kinda bursted out.

"That's purpostrous. Where is he getting this information from?" He and the ref talked for a bit. Punk was watching the whole time.He didn't even notice when Kane came out. I barely noticed myself. I looked down at him and he gave me a nod to start with the plan. I got leg-length with the ref and kicked him as hard as I could in the temple. He fell like a rag doll. Both compettitors looked at me like I was insane.

"What's wrong with you?" Punk yelled. I stood my ground. Del Rio seemed too shocked even to react. "You are crazy and insane." I saw Kane linger behind him. He poked his shoulder. "What?" Punk said as he turned around only to see his worst nightmare. Kane went straight into the chokeslam. Del Rio didn't even want to hang around for his turn. Kane got out of the ring and looked under it.

He pulled out two chairs and threw them both in the ring. I grabbed one and went into action. I aimed for Punk's stomach first, then Kane went for his head. He was screaming in agony, but those were screams of revenge. I've never felt like this before, to get revenge this way. I liked it. I think I understood why Kane is Kane.

*John's POV*

I turned around from the Punk and Del Rio match to look through my duffel bag for my favorite shoes. After a while, there was this huge commotion in the ring. I turned back around and saw Victory kick the ref in the head. The ref went down like a sack of patatos. But what was Victory even doing there? She and Dani were suppose to be in her locker room until Victory's match. What's she doing?

*Randy's POV*

I got Dani to calm down so we sat on the couch and watched the show. I had my arm wrapped around her as I did my best to comfort her. Kane's fire hit and Victory came out and knocked out the ref. I couldn't understand what was going on. Kane came out behind her and I stood up ready to run to the door. But Kane didn't go after Victory, he went after Punk. Kane didn't seemed to be after her, in fact, they seem to be working together. I couldn't understand the events of what just happened. What is she doing?

*Dani's POV*

I saw Kane and Vic working together. What is possibly going through her mind? Kane has to have her on a leash. She'd never do something like this. She and Kane started beating Punk mericlislly with metal chairs. But the scariest part was, Victory seemed to be enjoying it. What is she doing?

*Victory's POV*

Me and Kane kept beating Punk for about a good five minutes before Kane told me to stop. He gave me a nod of aprroval and led me back to the locker rooms. Punk was motionless, he was still alive, but motionless. I heard his cries before we left the ring. Medical personall were taking him to the hospital as soon as we left. As we walked through backstage, everyone was looking at us with fear, poeple looking at me was more confusion.

I liked it. People giving me a second look. I could get used to that. But that's when I saw John. He looking at me like the others but I could read his face a little bit more clearly, 'What are you doing?' That's what his expression said. I couldn't help but smile. His expression was pricless.

I saw AJ too, her jaw was hanging like it wasn't even attached. I stopped in front of her and she closed her jaw, 'Who's a rookie now?" She was speechless, that was exactly what I was going for. I smirked, ''Don't worry. You're next." I heard her gulp as I walked away. I knew this was gonna be fun.

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