"Yes you will. You know Ruby and I will have you over anytime." Luke laughed at his mum, even though we all know what she meant. 

"You better you cheeky buggers!" she laughed. 

I went over to Jai and Beau giving them both big hugs. 

"I'm gonna miss you Rubes" Jai said trying to hide that he was actually upset- mostly about Luke going. 

"I'll miss you more Jai!" I exclaimed. 

"Aw babes I'll miss you too," Luke whined at Jai. Jai chuckled and pushed him lightly in the chest. 

"Not you dickhead- I've got the room to myself now you're leaving." Jai joked before pulling his brother into a tight hug. I went over to Beau who basically squashed me. 

"I'll miss bugging you." he told me. 

"I'll miss being bugged by you." 

"Really?" Beau said hopefully. 

"No." I teased. Honestly, I would. I would miss the bussiness and company in this house, but I knew it would only be transferred over to mine. Beau laughed and put his arm over my shoulders as we waited for Luke and Jai to stop with their goodbye. I guess it was harder for them. They were so close- duh they were twins. They had shared a room their whole lives and now it was all changing. Ever since the crash a year and a bit ago, as horrible as it was- it had brought everyone so much closer together, especially Luke and Jai. Nothing was ever taken for granted. 

"Ready?" I smiled at Luke as he and Jai broke away. 

We all went out the front and said our last goodbyes before we got in the car and waved goodbye to the three people that meant the world to both Luke and I.

The whole experience was so exciting. Yeah we were a bit short of cash now- but it was manageable, plus we had a new townhouse in Essendon to ourselves as well as new furniture and decor to go with our new place. My job was going well, last year both Kaity and I went from junior to senior stylist which meant a pretty decent payrise which was impressive; but what impressed me most was watching Luke graduate. It was such a happy time for the whole family but mostly Luke humself. He was proud of his acheivements and was able to get a paid part time apprentiship as a result; I was the proudest girlfriend alive. I guess everything was going pretty well.  

That was an understatement. 

Things were going amazingly. 

It was three years since I had met Luke. The best three years of my life. As we pulled up at our new home an automatic smile appeared on my face and as I looked over at Luke, the same expression was plastered on his face too. This was only the beginning, I thought to myself as Luke's lips pressed against mine.

Luke slowly turned the key and opened the door, allowing me to step in first. The first step to our new beginning. It was beautiful. Completely empty- serene and stunning. It suited mine and Luke's lifestyle and tase perfectly. I took Luke's hand and ran excitedly upstairs where the two bedrooms, a landing and a bathroom was. We went into the largest bedroom where there was a large window that showed the beautiful greenery outside. I automatically wrapped my arms around my boyfriends neck as he pressed my body against his, kissing me in the middle of the large empty room. Our room. 

"Hello?" someone called from downstairs with a knock on the door that was already open. 

"Moving truck." Luke muttered against my lips in disappointment. I squealed and walked behind Luke downstairs. We both helped the two men transfer all of our new and old stuff from the truck and dumped it randomly in the allocated rooms. There were boxes everywhere along with furniture in the middle of rooms. Luke and I were too tired to arrange it now. We had spent a lot of the day packing and unpacking. I had a day off tomorrow where I'd try to sort stuff out. I stood and looked over our stuff that was sprawled around, I was pretty exhausted.  

"Up for pizza?" Luke asked as he went to get the keys, knowing already that I'd agree. I nodded and looked over at Luke about to shut the door.  

"Just get our usual," I shouted.  

"Alright, be back soon." He said before closing and locking the door behind him. It was weird being alone. Peaceful, but almost too quiet. It was eerie. I was always surrounded by noise. I flicked on the lights and smiled to myself. I had dreamed of having my own place for so long, and now I actually had one. I dragged our new mattress from leaning against the stairs into the lounge room, letting it fall heavily onto the floor. I pulled out a large feather duvet and placed it over, adding both mine and Luke's pillows on there. Then I pulled out Luke's laptop and got the Internet sorted out so we could watch a movie. I took a quick shower in our new bathroom and got into my pyjamas. When I came out, Luke was just coming in the door with our dinner. 

"Hey you" I said happily as we walked into the lounge room. Luke and I flopped on the mattress and sorted which movie we were watching. Like always, we halved each of our pizzas and traded them. Both Luke and I sat quietely as we ate and relaxed.

"How do you like the place?" Luke smirked.

"Couldn't be happier." I beamed. Luke chuckled and playfully tackled me down on the matress, trying to tickle and play fight me. I laughed and managed to scuttle towards the end of the matress before Luke grabbed my waist and pulled me back towards him. He put his feet on my hips and held my arms as he lifted me above him so that I was flying. My stomach was hurting from laughing so much. Luke bent his legs and lowered me down so that my lips could just touch his. After many attempts I eventually fell to the side of Luke, out of breath from laughing so hard. Luke wrapped his arm around me and pulled me towards him as we layed in our own loungeroom together.

"This is just the beginning of us Rubes," he smiled with his eyes closed.

"I know." I said placing my head on his chest and my arm around his body. Luke kissed the top of my head and squeezed my body slightly.

"My girl." Luke grinned as he softly turned my chin so that I was looking at him through the darkness. "What would I do without you princess?"

"You'd be fine." I assured him.

"No I wouldn't." he shook his head. "You know I'm never leaving you, not until you leave me." he stated. My heart melted. "But even then I still probably wouldn't leave you alone." he smiled cheekily maing me laugh.


"Good? Putting up with me forever?" Luke questioned.

I nodded. "Sounds perfect."
Luke shook his head but smiled widely.

"Love you little Roo," he chuckled to himself at my supposedly new nickname.

"Love you too," I giggled and snuggled up to Luke's always warm body completely forgetting about the movie and falling asleep in his arms.
Exactly where I wanted to be.

Meant To Be? *Janoskians Fan-Fic* (Sequel to Meant To Be)Where stories live. Discover now