Chapter 37 - The Pier

Start from the beginning

"Isn't it wonderful!" Joyous voiced cheered and the music started up again with a happy bounce to it. "Those beasts will finally be gone from our great land."

James turned to Sky with proud happy eyes. "You see Skyler. King Patrick is doing what should have been done years ago." Sky wanted to throw up. Lady Bolivia took James's hands and smiled at him. "I only wish our father was here to see this."

"He would have been proud of you. I know the King is. And so am I." Lady Bolivia leaned up to kiss James and Sky felt herself falling. "Will you dance with me?"

"Careful," Edward held her up as she struggled to breath. "We need to go. Now."

Sky looked at him and saw he was also having a hard time believing what they just heard. The King was pretending the Cormorants were on other islands so that he could kill innocents and no one would bat an eye. And worst of all it was starting tomorrow. They had no time to get there and tell people. Sky doubted they would even have time getting back to the Cormorants before the ships launched in the morning.

"Come on. We have to move." Edward looked at James and Lady Bolivia who were spinning on the dance floor. Sky couldn't feel her legs and she knew that she couldn't leave. Not without taking to James. She turned to Edward and took a deep breath.

"Go, I'll make sure no one follows you." Edward frowned confused. "I cannot leave my brother. Not now. I've done what I promised, we got the information. Now you have to get it back to Dana and sort something out."

"What!? No, Sky you have to come. There is no way I am letting you stay here with these people." The urgency in his voice was clear and it hurt Sky to stay, but she had to sort things out with James. It was the reason she left home. "Sky please, I promised Hawk I'd keep you safe. How can I do that if I leave you here?" Sky was surprised, but oddly touched.

"Take him with you. Both of you should return to Dana. I know you will come up with a way to fix this. I will try talking to James, but if they leave tomorrow I don't have much time. That's why you have to go now." He shook his head stubbornly. "Please Edward,"

Edward opened his mouth to refuse her when a gunshot from outside silenced the room. Both Edward and Sky looked to the main entrance where two officers where running to James.

"Commodore Ash!" They called frantically. James let go of Lady Bolivia who looked worriedly at them and turned drawing his black pistol.

"What is it? Have they showed themselves?" James demanded and the officers shook their head.

"It's pirates Sir. At least twenty of them."

"Looks like Hawk's Crew, Commodore." The other said and all the people around them gasped. Lady Bolivia looked at James with wide eyes.

James' eyes snapped to Edward and Sky and they narrowed. Sky's heart raced with apprehension and fear. Surely he wouldn't blame them for this, would he? They only found out Dustin was here minutes ago. James turned to Lady Bolivia and then to the King who was watching them with angry eyes.

"Protect the king at all costs. I will deal with this man once and for all." James let go of Lady Bolivia and strode towards the door the saw way Dustin had on the board walk. With the intent of bloodshed.

"We have to move." Edward said in Sky's ear and dragged her after the Commodore. Sky looked behind them and saw Lady Bolivia was following.

"Edward," Sky warned as they shoved their way through the tangled crow of scared nobles. Outside more shots could be heard and Sky panicked. The amount of people thinned out as the got closer to the main entrance and Lady Bolivia was no longer behind them having been caught in the mass of bodies. Edward dragged her through the main entrance and Sky tripped on her dress. The officers at the door did not stop them as they were preoccupied with the pirates all around them.

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