Chapter Sixty-Four

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Katniss POV- (Friday)

"Katniss Mellark." A nurse calls me in.

Peeta helps me up and we walk to the back.

"Just sit down and we will be right with you."

I sit down and Peeta stands next to me.

"Why are you nervous?" I ask him.

"You're getting all sorts of tests done today."

I shrug, "So?"

"What if you have that gestational diabetes or something?"

"Peeta, I'm fine. It's all routine."

He sighs, not saying anything.

The nurse comes in again.

"Hello." She smiles, wrapping a blood pressure cuff around my arm, turning the machine on until it squeezes my arm completely.

"You're 6 months?"

I nod my head.

"Good. We are gonna listen to your heartbeat." She says, putting a stethoscope on my chest and back, listening attentively.

"Now since your over 18 weeks, we are gonna try this on your belly and see if we can hear anything." The lady says, lifting my t-shirt up.

She carefully puts the cold stethoscope onto my belly and listens.

"Sounds great. Your blood pressure is good too." She says, releasing my arm from the cuff.

Quickly, she takes my temperature and weight too.

"Dr. Coles will be right with you." The nurse smiles and exits the room.

I look at Peeta when she leaves.

He always gets really quiet during these doctors visits, I guess he's just worried.

"You okay?"

He nods, "Just worried about you."

"Why?" I laugh.

"I just am, I always am."

I reach out for his hand, "I'm fine and Willow is perfectly fine." I assure him.

He takes my hand and I give it a reassuring squeeze as Doctor Coles walks in, smiling happily.

"Mellarks." She smiles.

I look up and smile.

"Katniss, you look remarkably better than you did. Do you feel better?"

I nod, "I've gotten use to her constant moving and kicking, I'm still tired." I say.

"No stress?" She asks, looking at Peeta and I.

"No." I lie.

'Actually there was a two week period that I cried myself to sleep every night, but no. No stress.' I am tempted to say but didn't for Peeta's sake.

"Good. Your blood pressure, weight, and everything else look good. If you guys want a sonogram we can take another today, maybe while we are waiting on your tests results." She says.

I sigh and nod my head.

"Well do glucose first. Let me go get the solution and I'll be back. You didn't eat before you came, did you?"

"No, I remembered." I say.

"Good. What flavor? There's grape, cherry, lemon, cola?"

I shrug, "Cherry?" I say, not really knowing what I would like.

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