Chapter Fifty-One

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Peeta POV- (The next day)

I am pushing away the two things I've always wanted and I pull all this plus everything with my family, I'm destroying Katniss and I's first year of marriage beyond repair.

I'm not even sure that it can ever be the same as it was and that breaks my heart but it's all my fault.

"Bristol, please, just let me see her?" I ask her quietly at the front door.

It's 8am.

"No, Peeta. She's been up all night. She's really upset and I suggest you just stay away for now." Bristol says.

I feel hot tears stream down my puffy eyes, "I haven't seen her in two weeks and-"

"That's your fault." Bristol snaps.

I look up at her.

"I know it's my fault but I need to fix it."

"Peeta, you need to go."

"Bristol, please? I can't fix anything if I don't talk to her and she won't answer my calls."

She rolls her eyes, "She doesn't want to see you. I'm sorry but you need to go."

"Really? I thought we were friends, Bristol." I frown.

"When it's choosing you or Katniss, it's always going to be Katniss. Especially after you left like that and if I find out you're cheating on her or you did, I will never let you see Carter again."

These four girls have the strings to my heart and their mommas are cutting each one.

I feel tears streaming down my cheeks.

"I'm not cheating on her and I have never cheated on her and I won't. Why am I such a bad person all of a sudden?"

"Wanting your five month pregnant wife to have a stress free, safe life and then leaving her for a job for the rest of her pregnancy when you know she needs you. Or when you know that you can be killed on sight but don't even mention the risk to Katniss and all for what?"

I swallow hard.

"The money? If it's between money and your family then choose your family, Peeta. Or choose money that's near your family and that will keep you safe." Bristol says angrily.

I know by her words now that I have really messed up.

"I'm leaving." I say.

She crosses her arms and glares at me.

"I really thought that you were different than this, Peeta. Everyone at college heard you two were this extraordinary couple that had zero problems and I actually believed that for so long." Bristol says, disgusted but only with me it seems.

Katniss isn't always a walk in the park, even if she's the love of my life.

"Well, wherever you heard that from they must've been insane because since day one it hasn't been easy." I tell her truthfully.

"Then why do you stay with her if you don't like it?"

"I didn't say that. I do like it and I love her. It's worth all the trouble." I exclaim.

She just shrugs her shoulders, "I'm sorry, Peeta but you're gonna have to convince me after this."

"Just because your marriage didn't work out doesn't mean Katniss and I's can't. I've really messed up and I know that but I just need to see her." I say desperately.

"She's asleep."

I roll my eyes, "Then when she wakes up, tell Katniss that I love her and Willow and I will see them both when she's born." I say and walk away.

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