Chapter Twenty-Five

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Katniss POV- (About an hour later)

"Peeta, I'm about to fall asleep in this car. Can I please take Carter home and take a nap and get something to eat?" I whine.

I haven't eaten since 9 o'clock is morning and it's 2pm.

"Sure, go ahead Bristol and I can come over after these guys bring her stuff in or she could go with you."

"No because then I'll have to tell her why I am exhausted and eating 5x more than normal."

"She already suspects something. You may as well tell her now." He says.

"No." I say.

"She's gonna find out sooner or later along with everyone else." Peeta says.

I groan.

"Go home and get you something to eat and go take a practice nap with Carter."

I sigh, "Fine. Will you get me her carseat?"

He takes Carter and puts her in the carrier for me.

Then he helps me out and to our car.

He places Carter in the back.

"I'll call you when we leave." Peeta says, pecking my lips.

I nod and pull out of the parking lot.

When we get on the road Carter 'talks' to me and I respond with chuckles and 'Oh yeah?'s.

"I can't wait until my baby is born so me, you, her, and mommy and Uncle Peeta can have so much fun!" I tell her excitedly.

I can't wait.

She let's out a hitch pitch giggle, followed by a few deeper ones.

"How about we go get some food and then me and you can take a nap while Mommy and Peeta fix your new house?" I say as I pull into our driveway.

I get her out, taking her bag and her on at the same time, which was quite difficult.

"Goodness, you are heavy baby girl." I say, scrambling around for my keys in my purse.

She just smiles and watches me unlock the door.

I get her inside and take her out of her carrier. 

"Let's go make some food." I say, holding her high up.

She smiles and we go into the kitchen.

I set her on the floor that Peeta swept and mopped this morning and she just sits there for a minute, looking around.

"What do we want to make?" I say, looking in the fridge.

We seem to have a lot of pre-made stuff left from a few weeks back so I go with that.

I make up the food and chase Carter around on the floor while she army crawls across the house.

It's quite difficult to do when I get winded from just walking. If it's this difficult now, just wait until I'm 9 months pregnant.

"Carter, I'm gonna have to strap you down." I tease her and she just laughs.

I pick her up and walk back into the kitchen, grabbing my plate of food and head upstairs with her.

I place her on my bed and I sit down next to her.

She waves her arms back and forth at me, slapping my thigh gently.

"So, what should we name your new friend?" I ask Carter.

She gives me a confused look.

I swear this kid has understood everything I've ever said to her.

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