Rebel Love Song - Black Veil Brides

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"So take you hand in mine,

It's ours tonight,

This is a Rebel Love Song.

Hearts will sacrifice,

It's do or die,

This is a Rebel Love Song."

Pulling out my headphones and turning off my phone, I walked through the oh-so familiar gates of Kisaragi Academy. I raked a hand through my mop of hair as I scanned the area. To my delight, I saw the familiar scene of the blue haired female hanging out with the group. Walking over to the group, I call out to them: "Oi, Shinozaki!" Her head turns away from Satoshi and towards me, her innocent, blue eyes focussing on me. "Oh, hey Kishinuma." And with that, she turned back towards Satoshi and started flirting again.

Satoshi Mochida, brown-haired heartthrob of class 2-9, crush of Shinozaki. Pretty much everyone knows about Shinozaki's 'obsession' with him, she doesn't exactly try to hide it. Although Satoshi is my best friend, and one of the only people I would happily call my friend, I'm still jealous of how he has girls falling for him. He has Nakashima for fucks sake, why can't I have Shinozaki?!

Naomi Nakashima, brunette, student in class 2-9. Her and Satoshi have been friends for a long time, I don't know an exact date, but I know it's a long time. It's pretty obvious that ol' Satoshit likes her, I mean, he even went as far as to randomly grab her tits. That's mainly what Nakashima is known for; well, by most people.

Mayu Suzumoto, girlfriend of Sakurato Morishige. They even have their own ship name and everything, Mayushige. I don't know who came up with the name, it just kind of happened. I can see why Morishige fell for her, she is just so kawaii and innocen- No. Shinozaki is the one you love, not your friend's girlfriend.

Sakurato Morishige, drama nerd of 2-9. Glasses and hair a light shade of grey/blue, it's hard to tell. Him and Suzumoto are the power couple of class 2-9, that's if 'Natoshi' ever happens.

Seiko Shinohara, well-known 'pervert' of our class, also know for her addiction to touching Naomi ... Yeah. Often has her hair styled in a way that resembles cinnamon rolls, kinda cute if you ask me. I've caught her staring at me a few times. Nothing much.

And finally, Ayumi Shinozaki. The blue-haired occultist and crush of yours truly. Class representative of class 2-9. Pretty much a friend of everyone, she truly is someone to be in awe of. The way she smiles, the way she laughs. Oh, her laugh! It's sweet and melodic, like a mother singing a lullaby to a- okay, I'm getting creepy now.

As I grabbed my bags, I saw Shinozaki race off behind Nakashima and Satoshi. Fuck, there goes my chance. I let out an audible sigh and sling the bag on my shoulder. I could feel a slight tapping on my other shoulder, so I spun round. There, to my surprise, was Shinohara. "I know what it feels like to be rejected," she looks off towards the group of girls and Satoshi. I turn to face her, that's when our eyes lock for a moment. I never realised that her eyes were so... so intriguing! They were a light shade of glistening hazel, I could feel them melting my frozen heart. She broke the moment by patting me on the shoulder and running after everyone else.

"Yoshiki!" Shinozaki cried throwing herself into my arms. "Why did you leave me? I was so scared!" She continued to bury her face into my chest. There was a small stream of blood pouring out of a cut in her head. We had been stuck in this school-like hell for God only knows how long, surrounded by corpses and evil spirits. Every so often, Shinozaki would pick up on these spirits and lose control, this scared the shit outta me.

"You ran off Shinozaki, don't worry. I'm here now." I began to stroke the top of her hair, running my hand across the silky strands of blue hair. She whimpered and looked up at him, her eyes glistening with tears. "I-i'm sorry, Kishinuma. I-I-" I cut her off by embracing her into a hug.

Shinozaki wept into my shirt, her muffled crying filling the empty hallways. Eventually, she pulled away and looked at me. She leaned ever so slightly forward, asking me if it was alright. I nodded and we both began to lean forwards. Our heads were millimetres apart and our lips nearly touching. She closed her eyes and leaned in, I could feel her breath on my face-

"Yoshiki Kishinuma!!" I was abruptly woken from my sleep to find myself in a classroom, with Ms.Yui glaring at me. Shit. That was just a fucking dream?! I sighed and rested my head on one hand, making my head tilt to the side. Why did I always have to wake up, couldn't I just go to sleep and not wake up from that dream? "You are partnered with Ayumi Shinozaki. Move desks now." Ms Yui gestures towards Shinozaki's desk.
"What?" I asked, slowly standing and reaching for my bag.
"For an English project, you have been partnered with Shinozaki. Now MOVE!"

I dragged a chair across to Shinozaki's desk and sat down. She gave me a quick glare and went back to staring intently at Satoshi. Why? Why does she have to like Satoshi?! After a while, we were sent away to come up with our own ideas, meaning Shinozaki would at least have to speak to me. "So, what do you want to do?" I spoke up.
"Hmmm?" She said, changing her focus from Satoshi, to me. Your fucking kidding me right?
"What do you want to do for the project? Who do you want to write about?" I repeated.
"Oh, how about Naho Saenoki?"
"And that is ...?"
She sighed and tooks out a piece of paper. It had information about a place called 'Heavenly Host Elementary'.
'Heavenly Host Elementary, or Tenjin Elementary, is an alternate dimension created by the Shinozaki blood line using the Book of Shadows, the centre of black magic and such. Tenjin Elementary as a dimension, is being held stable by Sachiko Shinozaki and another three revengeful spirits. The three children were part of a mass murder, performed by Sachiko Shinozaki. There are ways to be transported to this alternate dimension, the Sachiko Ever After charm. According to Naho Saenoki's own blog, it was a friendship charm. However, it turned out to be a fake, and Miss Saenoki was trying to fool people into going to Heavenly Host. The reason for this is unknown.
I put down the sheet of paper. Looking up, I see Shinozaki has turned her attention, once again, towards her 'beloved Mochida' who is currently busy chatting with Nakashima. I sigh and start taking notes from the sheet.

That was terrible, I know. I was watching Attack on Titan while doing this so I kinda got distracted :3 Oops :/


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