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Two weeks passed since their breakup. Kara has been in robot mode as Alex calls it. She goes to work does everything she has to do to get through the day and goes home. However that was last week. Today is Saturday and Alex has decided to spend the day with Kara getting themselves pampered. The day began with getting their nails done at the salon, and now they were deciding on how to get their hair cut. "I'm thinking this..." Alex said holding up her phone. "That would look good." Kara replied. "What are you thinking about getting?" Alex asked. "I think I'm gonna get something bold." Kara replied with a smirk. Alex knew that look. Kara was about to do something drastic to her hair. "Oh...thats good.." Alex replied

A few hours later Kara was done getting her done. Alex couldn't believe how good it looked. "Holy Hell! You look hot!" Alex exclaimed. "Ya think?" Kara asked. "Yes! Everyone's gonna be asking for your number... you're gonna need a bat to beat the women off." Alex teased. Kara just smiled softly at her sister as they paid and left the hair salon. The sister duo hopped in Alex's jeep and headed back into town. Kara had to get some supplies for the clinic and some stuff for her house, so they headed to the grocery store.

"I'll grab the buggy, you got your list Kar?" Alex asked. "Yep! Come on! We need to get a bunch of stuff." Kara replied. They walked into the store and began their shopping trip. "Ok...I need to reload the drink fridge for the staff and clients." Kara said as they walked towards the drink section. As they walked Kara kept getting looked at by every woman in the shop aside from Alex. "Jesus...you're right...look at them." Kara whispered. "Told you Kar...you're hot..." Alex whispered.

A little while later they were cashing out and loading everything into Alex's jeep. "I've got one more stop to make..." Alex said as they turned into traffic. "Oh ok...I'll wait here." Kara replied as they pulled into Lena's shop. "You need anything Kar?" Alex asked. "No. I've begun having Nia buy it again." Kara replied looking out the passenger side window. Alex just nodded and headed inside the shop.

"I'll be right with you!" Lena's voice rang out into the front room. Alex got her stuff and walked to the cue. "Oh Alex! Hey! How are you?" Lena asked. "I'm ok. How are you?" Alex asked. "I'm...ok..." Lena replied softly. "She's in the jeep...you know." Alex replied. "Oh...how is she?" Lena asked. "You can go see her you know...she misses you." Alex replied. "Does she?" Lena asked. "Yea...she hasn't been sleeping well lately. We just got our hair and nails done. Lena...you should go see her. She's really brokenhearted. She keeps asking herself what she did wrong." Alex explained. "I'll.. think about it...is...she back to doing farm calls?" Lena asked her voice shaking. "Nope. She's actually hired on four new veterinarians to help with them. She's just doing the animal shelter, and the small animals that come to the clinic now." Alex replied. "Oh...ok..." Lena replied. "Yea...well I'm gonna go. We gotta get back to the clinic and stuff." Alex replied as she paid quickly and left with her bag of soaps.

Lena stood there watching Alex leave her shop before returning to the back room. She wasn't sure what she should do. Should she go to Kara's place? Should she call her? She sat down on the stool and sighed. "Maybe I'll just go to the clinic, when it gets close to closing time." Lena said to herself. "Yea...thats what I'll do." Lena sighed as she continued stirring her soap.

A few hours later Kara was back in her office finishing up paperwork. "Kara? I'm leaving now okay." Nia said. "Yea Nia. It's all good. Have a good night." Kara replied. "You too Kara. Don't stay too long." Nia replied. "Have the shelter volunteers left?" Kara asked. "Yes. Everyone's left. It's just you and well me till I go." Nia replied. "Ok thank you...bye Nia." Kara replied with a smile. Kara heard the back door shut as she continued filing paperwork. Weekends were boring for Kara, she had the animal shelters, both small animals and farm animals who needed immediate attention.

Kara rubbed her eyes before going to the staff room and grabbed a bottle of coke just as the front door opened up. "Nia! Did you forget something?" Kara called out chuckling to herself as she peeked out around the corner. However Nia was not who she saw in the doorway. "Not Nia..." the voice replied. "Lena? What are you doing here?" Kara asked. "Your...your hair...its short..." Lena exclaimed. "Yea...I had it cut earlier today. Now what are you doing here?" Kara asked. "I came to see you." Lena replied. "Why? I thought I was a mistake." Kara replied as she turned around and headed into her office. "I didn't meant that! Kara stop! Let me explain! Please!" Lena called out as she walked quickly after her.

"Ok...I'm listening." Kara replied looking at Lena. "I didn't mean dating you was a mistake. I was just scared that if you went back to the farm calls I'd have to watch you get injured all over again...so I panicked and decided if I pushed you away it would be for the better." Lena breathed. Kara sat back in her office chair as she listened to Lena talk. "Why didn't you just say that then? Why get upset and yell at me in the restaurant? You were ok with it then you just exploded at me! You said dating me was a mistake! Then you ran out of the restaurant like I had the plague." Kara replied. "I know...I'm sorry...I'm sorry Kara.." Lena whispered.

"I've got to close up the clinic." Kara stated. "Ok...I'll go then." Lena replied her head hanging down she began walking out of Kara's office. "Are you hungry Lena?" Kara asked. "Uh..." Lena replied. "Yes? No?" Kara asked. "Yes." Lena replied. "Ok, let's go get something to eat." Kara replied. "Are you sure?" Lena asked. "Yea, come on..." Kara replied as she grabbed her bag and walked out after Lena locking the doors as she went. "So...where do you want to get food?" Kara asked. "Wherever." Lena replied. "Ok, how about we grab it to go?" Kara asked. "Works for me." Lena replied with a small smile. "Yours or mine?" Kara asked. "Either one." Lena replied. "Ok...we can go to mine." Kara replied.

A little while later and two pizzas on the coffee table Kara and Lena were making small talk inside Kara's house. "So have you gotten the all clear?" Lena asked. "Yeah. I got it the other day." Kara replied. "Are you glad to be back to doing farm calls?" Lena asked pretending she didn't know. "Oh..um..I haven't been out to farm calls since I hired four new veterinarians. I only went out with them to introduce them to the farmers and so they'd know where everything was. I now only do clinic visits and animal shelter visits. I only do farm calls when it's absolutely necessary for me to go. Which isn't  a lot but once in a while someone is sick, or on vacation, and I have to fill in for them." Kara explained. "Oh...thats good." Lena replied. "Yea, I enjoy doing it this way. I have more free time now." Kara replied.

Lena listened intently to Kara talk, everything felt normal now. Like it did before she ruined everything. "So how's the shop doing?" Kara asked. "It's going well. Uh...the new shampoo scent is selling like hotcakes, so that's good." Lena replied. "Oh thats great!" Kara replied. "Yea...everyone seems to love 'Ray of Sunshine'." Lena replied. "Ray of sunshine? Where did you come up with that name?" Kara asked already having an idea. "Someone inspired me." Lena replied with a smile. "Oh?" Kara asked. "Yea...I kind of was supposed to give her a sample but she's been having someone else buy it for her." Lena replied. Kara smiled at Lena who returned the smile.

"Sooo...it's getting late..." Kara said after a while. "Yea...it is...." Lena replied. They remained silent for a good long minute before Lena spoke up. "Kara..." Lena began her voice trembling. "Lee?" Kara asked. They just sat there looking into each other's eyes. "Do you.." They both said at the same time. They returned to just staring at one another before Kara swallowed her fear and leaned in and kissed Lena hard on the lips.

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