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When the food came they took a break from soap making and sat in the store part of the building eating. "Were your clients excited to see you back?" Lena asked. "Yea...they were especially excited to start asking me out on dates again." Kara replied making a face. Lena laughed at the blondes face. "Did you say yes?" Lena asked. "God no! Besides..." Kara trailed off. "Besides what? Come on Kar! You can tell me, is there someone you like?" Lena asked. "Yea..." Kara replied as she ate a potsticker. "Well who is it? Do I know them?" Lena asked. Kara shrugged her shoulders and shoved another potsticker in her mouth as her face turned pink with blush. Lena smiled as she wondered who this mystery person Kara liked was.

"So what does she look like?" Lena asked. "Uh...she has hair..and skin..." Kara replied. "All good things to have in a woman. What color hair does she have? What does she like to do?" Lena asks. "She's got long...hair...it's not blonde..she likes to talk." Kara stammered. Lena furrowed her eyebrows together and bit her lip. "Well it just so happens I have a crush on someone too." Lena replied. "Oh? Who? What color hair? What does she like to do?" Kara asked.

"She's blonde, and she also likes to talk a lot too." Lena replied with a smile. Kara smiled in response as she thought about who this mystery woman was. 'Could it be me? No...it's definitely not me...but I like her...like more than a friend like...the type of like where I want her to move in with me forever...' Kara thought to herself. "So will I get to meet your mystery woman?" Lena asked. "Maybe...if I get enough courage to ask her out on a date." Kara replied. "Why don't you ask her! Ask her now! Call her up and ask her out!" Lena replied.

Kara hesitated as she pulled her phone out. "Well go on! Call her up!" Lena added. "But I'm hangout with you and that would be rude..." (especially because I'd be dialing your number...) Kara thought. "Well call her tonight when you go home. Then tell me all about it!" Lena replied. "Uh yea...ok..." Kara replied. Kara hung around till Lena locked up the shop and helped her restock everything for tomorrow before she headed home to call Alex for advice.

Alex came over quickly and listened to Kara explain everything before telling her the same thing Lena said earlier. "Ok! I'll car her right now!" Kara replied. Meanwhile in Lena's apartment Sam was telling Kara the same thing. "Ok! Ok! I'll call Kara!" Lena exclaimed.

Suddenly Lena's phone rang. "It's her! Fuck! What do I say?" Lena gasped. "Yes! You idiot!" Sam yelled. "Ok! Ok! Hey Kara!" Lena said. "Hey...Lena.." Kara replied. "Kara! There's something I gotta ask you." Lena said. "Oh ok? Theres something I want to ask you too!" Kara replied. "Ok... you go first!" Lena said. "No...you brought it up...you go first!" Kara replied.

Lena looked at Sam who was nodding at her. "Ok...um...Kara..." Lena began. "Yes Lee?" Kara replied. "Uh...you remember our conversation from earlier?" Lena asked. "Yes Lee I remember, what about it? Oh! Did you ask her out?" Kara asked. "Ummm...about that...Kara....would...you liked to..." Lena stammered. "Would I like to what?" Kara asked. Lena took a deep breath in and let it out slowly before continuing. "Wouldyouliketogooutwithme?" They said at the same time. Alex gasped at Kara's speedy question. Sam was silently screaming with happiness at Lena.

"What?" Kara asked. "What?" Lena questioned. "Would you like to go out with me?" They both asked again this time slower. "Yes I'd like that very much!" They both replied together. "Ok! Great! Hows tomorrow afternoon work?" Kara asked her voice shaking slightly. "That works for me!" Lena replied. "Good! I'll meet you at your shop, and we can grab lunch somewhere." Kara replied. "Ok! I'll see you then! Have a good night sunshine!" Lena replied. "Can't wait! Have a good night soapgirl!" Kara replied as the call ended.

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