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Lena sat beside Kara in the doctor's office that morning. They were here to see if Kara was ok to go back to light duty work. "Nervous?" Lena asked. "A little bit." Kara replied. Lena reached over and took the blondes hand in her own and gently squeezed it. "Everything will be fine. You'll be able to go back on light duty and even though I'll be heading back to my place we can still hang out." Lena replied. "Danvers!" The nurse called and they both headed back with her.

The nurse did a basic examination of Kara before writing stuff down and leaving. "You're gonna be ok Kara." Lena whispered as they waited for the doctor to come in. "What if I can't go back to work?" Kara asked. "You'll be able to go back to work Kar..stop worrying." Lena replied. "But what if I still need someone to be there to dress my cuts?" Kara asked. Her head was tilted down at her feet and her cheeks began to turn pink. "Well if you need to someone to stay and change your bandages I'll do it. My stuffs already at your house anyway." Lena replied.

Kara still wouldn't look at her though which bothered her however she didn't have long to dwell on that since the doctor made her appearance. "Miss Danvers! How are you feeling?" She asked. "Much better thanks to Lena's help and all the medicine." Kara replied. "I see! Now let's have you sit out on the table here and I can take a look at you." The doctor stated. Kara looked at Lena who nodded encouraging her to go to the table. Kara took off her shirt and lay back so the doctor could examine everything closely.

After a few minutes of the doctor doing different in office checks Kara got her shirt on again sat next to Lena again. "Miss Danvers. You are back to normal again. You may return to work on light duty only Monday morning if you like, and you can return to doing your daily routine." The doctor replied. Both women seemed to be sadden by the news as they headed out of the doctors office together.

Once they were back at Kara's place Lena began packing her bags up again and got ready to go. She was putting them into her car when Kara came out of the house. "Kara? Did I forget something?" Lena asked. "No...I just wanted to...uh..have a good night. And thank you for taking care of me." Kara replied. "You're welcome Kara. I'd do it again in a heartbeat." Lena replied. "Uh...girls nights Friday night...if you want to come..." Kara added. They hadn't had one since Kara got hurt and now Kara wanted to have one and she really wanted Lena to come. "Of course I'll come. I look forward to it." Lena replied. "Ok great!" Kara replied. 

"Well...I better get my mom's car back so she can go back to her house...I'll see Friday night if not before then." Lena stated. "Yea...I'll do my best not to get injured again." Kara teased. "You better not get hurt again...although if you do...I'll come take care of you again." Lena stated. Kara smiled as she watched Lena get into the car and leave the driveway. She stayed there till the car disappeared out of sight before going into the house and letting her tears out.

Once Lena returned to her little apartment she got the rundown of everything from her mother before seeing her off. Once Lena was alone she sat on the small sofa and began sobbing into her hands. However she knew she couldn't remain there, her mother told her she had to go restock everything and get to making soaps again. "Come on soap girl...let's get moving." Lena told herself as she stood up and headed down the back stairs to her shop.

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