Keane's POV

Everyone was sat chatting at the table, they all smiled at me. I didn't feel the need to say anything after Noah's little, well, big outburst. Everything seemed okay now, that it was out in the open. I'd only just sat down when Arii came in with a tray full of pancakes, bacon and sausages,

"It looks amazing" I said,

"Well I thought I'd go all out, since it's probably going to be the last meal we eat together sat at this table for a while" She said.

That was true, it was 10.30am now, we were going to head off to the airport at 4. So we'd probably eat dinner there before boarding so we could then just sleep straight through.

"Well, here's to a wonderful last breakfast" Noah said as we dug in.


I'd just booked us a rental that we'd pick up at the airport. I went extravagant since our parents gave us the money, I thought why not. I got us a sleek black Range Rover sport, for £995 for the week.

It was half two and we were going to go for a walk along the beach as a family, before we packed the few final things and made sure everything was sorted out.

"Keane, come on" Arii called,

"Yeah, I'm coming" I shouted back, closing the computer and collecting the printed details, before heading out, Noah threw me a jacket that I slipped on and re grabbed my crutches and we all headed out the door.

We walked along the beachfront, taking in the fresh sea air and letting it whip away all the worries we had. I forgot all about my leg, all about the fact that we were going to be leaving the country tonight and all about the fact that our parents were again missing and we were going to find them.

"You seem to be walking on that leg nicely" Angelo said,

"I didn't even realize I was" I answered truthfully,

"Maybe the key is to not think about anything" Noah said,

"I'll happily do that"

"Can I see my friends when we go home?" Arii asked,

"Of course you can"

"But I can't tell them anything"

"Arii Hun, you can do what you want" Tayte said,

"Within reason" I added, she smiled. I stopped as I felt my phone ringing in my pocket, I pulled it out,

"Carry on, I'll catch you up" I told them, Noah and Tayte both looked at me, but didn't say anything and carried on,


Keane, it's me TJ, I have to be quick, I know your flying to London today, quick heads up, there are going to be FBI sat on your flight watching you okay, don't ask me how I know I just do,

Okay, thank you, but it's not like I can do anything about it

I know. I just wanted to pre warn you if you saw people acting suspicious

Well, you still want to meet me at the Ruin?

Yes, I'll text you the day after tomorrow okay. Be safe Keane" the phone went dead. Well, I knew that we wouldn't be leaving the country alone, but seriously to make it so obvious! I eventually caught them up; they'd stopped and were sat on the wall,

"Who was on the phone?" Noah asked,

"Rory...just wishing us the best and he told me if we were ever in trouble, he was only a phone call away to sort anything" I said, avoiding his eyes,

"That's kind of them" Arii said, I knew Tayte was looking at me, but I didn't meet his eyes. When we got back, we had about an hour to finishing packing and make sure things were okay here. Rory and Piper had said, they'd come and check things were in order a couple of times, so we need not worry about the houses too much.

"So, who was really on the phone?" Tayte asked me when he and I were in our room alone, I was stood out on the balcony,

"I don't know why I've put up with you for all these years" Tayte smiled,

"Because you love me and you know that you can't lie because I'll know about it. Noah will be annoyed with you, especially after the talk he gave you"

"It was TJ, telling me that there will be FBI on our flight watching us"

"Serious, they're going to follow us to London and then what?"

"We'll give them the slip that's what" I told him,

"How'd TJ know?"

"She told me not to ask"

"We should tell Noah and Angelo about this"

"And then say what? You know they'll ask how we know this...I think we just leave it...if we notice them and it's blatantly obvious who they are and that they're following us, we'll slyly bring it into the conversation, otherwise, let's not add another thing to worry about"

"I hope you know what you're doing"

"Trust me"


So last day is over and they will be heading home next chappy, but for how long?

Sorry for mistakes!

Thanks for reading!

Love you


Copyright © Georgia T R Wing

Running For Answers (Book 2 Of Running Series)Where stories live. Discover now