Chapter 26

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The only time I run like this is in my dreams , or more accurately my nightmares , when I run for my life from God knows what . I feel the air wiping my hair back , the last sunlight rays watching me with anticipation , wondering wether I would make it out of his reach .

But they have disappeared before knowing the answer .

My phone vibrates in my pocket , it's probably Paget . But amid my running now I don't have time to check her texts .

A large arm wraps around my waist pulling me back , the scent of books and burnt ember fills my nose , a feeling of longing overwhelms me due to his proximity , at the way his breaths tickle my neck and his hands tighten around me possessively . Still I try to wriggle free from his hold .

I did the right thing by ending things with him , I might have hurt him with my words but I never meant them , that was barely a lame excuse to get him to cut the strings between us as well . If it weren't for my worry over him loosing his job and career I would've never let him go .

« Kane ! Let go ! »

He spins me around then throws me over his shoulder making me yelp.

« Not until you explain yourself . »

My hair dangles down , I press my palms to his back to lift my head up . « Explain what ? I explained everything the other day ! » I yell as he opens the backseat door and pushes me inside . I scoot farther away from him , while he settles besides me closing the door .

It's almost night time , mom is going to wonder where am I now , but I gave that task to Paget to take care of . She'll tell her I'm staying over .

As if it wasn't enough that I was hiding my relationship with Kane from her , now I am lying about my whereabouts and almost everything to the woman who gave birth to me , who's the only person I trust with my life .

She noticed something was wrong with me lately , and I might have had a bad mood that some times caused me to be mean to her and to everyone around , only Paget knew the reason of this change and understood the reason of the shift in my demeanor , but she never once made me feel as though my decision was wrong , and I really badly needed her to convince me that I shouldn't have broken up with him , that I should go fix things instead . Although he's been silent for the last few days , Paget doesn't even mention him anymore , she assisted to hi class this week but said nothing about it . It kind of pissed me off though .

I don't blame her , she thinks this entire situation I got myself in is wrong and it's hard to convince someone with something they didn't witness . She hasn't witnessed what my relationship with Kane was like , nobody did for that matter . Only me and him felt the tension , the emotions and the yearning between us , just like now in this very moment , as he stares at me with a set jaw and narrow eyes while I glue myself further to the other door of the car , as though trying to get away from him .

« Kane ... it's getting late ... whatever you have to say ... »

« Why did you run ? » His voice is calm ... way too calm .

It only hits me now that I am heaving and sweating because of the short marathon I attempted to start just a few moments ago . Honestly I have no idea why I did that , but just being with him and near him has such a huge effect on me , I can't even begin to explain it .

He's like the salty ocean air that hits our senses during winter , when it's draining and the sand gets wet, when the sea looks dim but also bright .

If I want to protect him from any harm , and protect his career as well , I should not give in to my emotions again . I have to let him go , I don't care if it makes him hate me and curse me for eternity , all I care about is him being safe and if our affair gets out to public , he won't be .

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