Chapter 11

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Ellie didn't stop calling , all morning she's been bugging me and I have been ignoring her calls . I have no mood to deal with her too , Hannah is sufficiently enough . Our interaction last night left me almost sleepless . Her voice and her words , her confidence and toughness . I might have tried to criticize her for it , but only because I admire it . For her age , she is way too mature and too strong .

A person doesn't get strong in easy times , it is in the hard moments of life when powerful souls are forged . I wonder what this girl went through that she is growing up each day to thicken the armour around herself .

My phone starts ringing again , I don't pick it up . I called Darcy yesterday to make sure she and uncle are fine and safe so I don't think she would contact me , especially after I told her about the situation I found myself in .

What if it's an urgent matter though ? I mean , why else would Ellie call me at such a time nonstop ?

I sit up on the bed and take the phone from the nightstand . Being around Hannah makes my mind preoccupied with only her , forgetting to think rationally and properly . I need to start gaining my focus , especially since I will be around her for a while .

A very unpalatable thought .

« Oh my God , Kane ! Where are you ? I've been calling you all the time ! »

I lean back on the headboard of the bed again . This room is really comfortable and fancy .

The entire house is actually , which really surprised me at the beginning because while I knew Hannah was rich , I didn't think she was that rich . And I certainly had no idea she was Matias Blevins' heir and granddaughter . The man was known for his wealth and loneliness so I couldn't fathom him actually having a family . Donna , Hannah's mom , told me on the way here yesterday that she too didn't know him before but never even once mentioned Hannah's father in her small talk .

He must be the son who disappeared long ago . Some in town say he escaped his father's abuse and some say that Matias kicked him out for the sake of his reputation which his son was ruining .

Blevins' jewelries are known all over the town . Even outside of town actually . Which is why people would believe he might sacrifice his son for the legacy he worked hard to keep altogether .

The price was living in isolation and solitude , although that doesn't seem to be the case since Hannah is his only granddaughter who doesn't even carry his last name for some unknown reason .

« I'm sorry ... I didn't hear it ... » I say lowly , ashamed of my lie . But I couldn't be honest and tell her I was ignoring her .

« You're stuck at the Blevins' , I heard . » Liquid pouring sounds reach my ears from the her side of the line , she is probably drinking her tenth coffee for just this morning . She tends to consume caffeine when she is agitated , I wonder what makes her so agitated about this snow storm ?

It's not the first to ever occur in Tolom , by now all the people here are used to it . It takes at least three days for it to appease and for the outside world to be safe and secure again . And the knowledge is not pleasant to me at all .

I also don't know where she got that information from but I don't push it .

« Yeah ... »

« How did that happen ? » She asks with a skeptical tone to which I raise an eyebrow . If anyone heard this conversation they would think we're married or something and she's scolding me for being stuck in a stranger woman's house . Still I keep my voice neutral as I answer her .

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