Chapter 18

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First Christmas without my mother .

I might not talk about her much , but I miss her dearly .

Her trace is still everywhere : the embroidered small pillows in my bed , the sweaters she used to make me since I was a child , the framed pictures of me and her , some included father too , are on my nightstand so that I can see her face before I sleep .

However once I close my eyes , another face pops up in my mind lately , a pair of doe brown eyes , long wild brown hair and plumped pink lips ...

They taste so good , they taste like addiction and insanity .

I have been on fire this entire Christmas break , waiting to get back to school as soon as possible so that I can see her again , so that I can be with her and in her presence . I only had the memories of Ellie's birthday party to console me , although those reminded me of the conversation we overheard too .

Rich families drama , I suppose . An absent child coming back after a very long time to disturb the peace. It's always like that with them , too much money gives too much problems .

« Morning , Mr Oliver . »

I didn't hear the bell ring , students had already started flooding the classroom . I nod at the boy who greeted me and stand there waiting for her . I try not to show my anticipation , and I hoe I am good at hiding it .

Finally , she walks in with Paget , I hold a breath as I finally see her after a week . It's been a very tough week .

There has been a time when I wished to never see her again for the torment her presence inflicted on me , now after the progress we've made , I can't seem to want away or apart from her , not now or ... ever , which is pretty messed up .

This time she doesn't sit in the back , she and Paget settle in the front . They participate in the debates with their classmates , especially Hannah . She seems more comfortable than ever before , it brings me immense satisfaction to see her that way , hopefully thanks to me .

However , she's too comfortable . The way she keeps biting her pens is kinda distracting for me .

When the class is over , I wait for her to come into view among the chaos happening here , as students are heading out urgently as though their lives depends on it . Finally , I see her with Paget about to walk out but I stop her .

« A minute , Miss Floris . »

She stops on her heels and turns around looking at me with those big eyes of hers , Paget frowns in confusion .

« I need to speak with you for a moment . » My voice betrays no emotion thankfully , neither does hers . She turns to her friend and nods . Paget departs without uttering a word to me for the first time ever . She must hate me for being a jerk to her friend , better she believes that's how it is .

Hannah pushes the door closed and walks to me slowly , her bag hanging on one shoulder as she presses her palm to my desk .

« Yes , teacher ? » Something is different about her tone , especially the way she dragged the word teacher . I stand up looking down at her and adjusting my glasses .

« Don't call me that . »

She chuckles . « Why not ? »

I give her a look that answers her question and without any further notice she stands takes a step closer, her scent invades my senses and her eyes play hypnotizing tricks on me , she cups my face in her hands and pulls me down for a kiss . Now I am totally aware of the fact that we are in class , but she seems to have missed me even more .

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