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"But you're supposed to repulse the ball, Shadow, not catch it!" Amy sighed before giggling at her dark teammate, who instinctively caught the ball thanks to his fast reflexes. At first, they were going to team up as Shadow and Sonic vs Amy and Knuckles. But Knuckles then got an idea to switch their partners, because then it might make the game more interesting.
"How was I supposed to know? I never played this game before," Shadow raised a brow and let Amy take the ball from him.
"It's okay, watch and learn," she smiled at him and holding the beach ball in front of her face she then knocked it up, making it fly towards the opposing team. Thanks to Knuckles' height and Sonic's speed the team was a strong opponent. But thankfully, Shadow was just as fast, so he was the anchor of the duo. Knuckles easily punched the ball, sending it back to the opposing duo and Shadow quickly learned to push the ball back towards the males. Amy felt proud of him and clapped her hands for a brief moment, which made Shadow smirk a bit in confident manner. He was getting a hang of it, plus he also started enjoying the fun coming along with it.
"Ohhh, someone's catching up~" Sonic teased his lover while grinning at him and repulsing the ball back towards the other duo, which Amy nicely pushed over the net, not giving up so easily for her team.
"Hmpf, I suggest you to rather focus~" Shadow teased the blue hero back and once the ball flew towards him, he jumped up and punched the ball from up there, making it fly straight down to the ground in front of Sonic's feet and exceptionally, Sonic was too slow to react and instead of his hands he instinctively used his foot and kicked the ball on the other side of the net. Amy caught the ball and shook her hand with her index finger facing the sky.
"No, no, no, we said 'no legs', Sonic, this rule goes for all of us," she lectured him and he dared to roll his eyes in response.

"I know, Ames, tell this to my reflexes," the blue devil made up an excuse, refusing to admit, that he did it in order to not really lose the point.
"Sure, I will tell them~" Amy smirked at the hero and knocked the ball up again, sending it on Knuckles, who was unable to reach it this time, because the ball flew too high and far behind him.
"Hey! That's cheating!" Sonic exclaimed while pointing his finger at her. Amy shrugged and gave him a teasing grin.
"You cheat, we cheat as well!" Amy retorted in mischievous tone and Shadow just stood there, wondering, how he ended up in such situation. First, they try to teach him how to correctly play volleyball and now they dare to cheat on each other? He was a little confused, not fully understanding the pure entertaining purpose of the cheating.

"I wasn't cheating! I just kicked the ball, because I felt like it, when it almost hit the ground!" Sonic defended himself and Knuckles let out a loud yelp, as he punched the beach ball so hard, that he spiked it with his sharp knuckle spikes, thus the ball was now useless.
"Hmpf, problem solved. Good move, Knuckles," Shadow crossed his arms and smirked, when he saw Knuckles accidentally destroying the ball with his spikes.
"You know, there is a reason, why you knock it up with this edge of your hand and not your knuckles, Knucklehead," Sonic complained to his teammate. Knuckles dropped the completely damaged ball on the ground before laughing a bit, since he found it funny at the monent.
"Well, since we finished playing voleyball, how about we go get some ice-cream?" Amy suggested and the other males, except for Shadow, agreed.
"Sounds good!" Knuckles stuck his long tongue out happily like a dog for a moment before inserting it back to his mouth. Sonic snickered and patted the echidna's shoulder.
"Keep yourself at bay, someone might mistake you for a puppy~" he teased him, causing him to actually think about it for a while.
"Shadow, are you coming?" Amy turned around to face the dark hedgehog, who was frantically pacing around with widened eyes, seemingly looking for something.

"Shads?" Sonic raised an eyebrow at his odd behavior and Knuckles, still thinking if he is a puppy or echidna, rubbed the top of his head while observing Shadow carefully.
"I would say he's trying to find something," he stated the obvious, earning a 'really?' looks from Amy and Sonic.
"Where is it?!" Shadow clenched his fists in frustration and growling at nobody in particular he stomped the sand beneath his feet.
"What are you-"
"The Eye! It's gone!" Shadow glared at the others, cutting Sonic's question short.
"Oh...," Sonic looked around carefully and along with Amy and Knuckles he helped Shadow by trying to find the lost starfish. It is impossible, that it could disappear on its own, when Shadow rested it on the ground nearby them and only he can control it, so he was sure, that Doom was unable to move it away or even take it.

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