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The next morning, the whole gang - including Shadow - met up in the cake shop and exceptionally they all sat on the seats outside, since it was a nice, sunny weather at the current moment. Poor Knuckles had to move an extra chair to the table, for there were only four of them surrounding the table they all decided to sit at.
"I have another date today, guys, so I will soon separate from you," Tails announced everyone and received a series of "okays" and nods of understanding.
"Shads?" Sonic looked at his partner innocently.
"Hm?" Shadow raised a brow.
"Could you... maybe... buy some chillidogs for me?" Sonic asked him a favor a bit nervously and giving the hybrid a sheepish smile he held his small sack with his own rings out towards him.
"Oh, sure," Shadow nodded and got up, not accepting the sack, which surprised the blue hero.
"Hey, you forgot-"
"Nah, keep it. It's on me," the hybrid shook his hands and turning around he walked off towards the chillidog stand on the beach, deciding to pay it from his own sack.
"Awwww, you are, guys, so romantic," Amy cupped her cheeks and blushed at the sight of the two lovers caring for each other like this. Sonic crossed his arms and averted his gaze from everyone upon the shyness, yet, he couldn't deny it, because it was a known fact about him anyways.
"I know right," Knuckles wiped an imaginary tear away from his eye and Tails chuckled, which made the blue speedster roll his eyes and blush deeply in response.
"You're exagerrating now," he retorted in embarrassment.
"Aw come on, even I embrace the feelings better!" Tails objected, sounding actually proud of himself, that he was able to get to such stage of his life. Sharing a partner with his friends and family was a completely natural thing for him.

"Ooooor, maybe you're too proud of your image around the village, Sonic and might be afraid of your reputation changing, if you let everyone see, that you are with Shadow," Amy stated, looking under the surface of the issue.
"What? Pffft, as if that was true," Sonic brushed it off, being in a denial stage of it.
"I mean, Amy might not be wrong," Tails piped up, seeing it just the same way.
"Oh yeah? What makes you believe it?" Sonic raised a brow in disbelief and doubt.
"The fact, that you still refuse to admit, how romantic and sweet couple you and Shadow are, openly, in front of all of us," Tails replied confidently. Sonic once again averted his gaze and scoffed.
"Sonic," Amy called his name to gain his attention, which made the hero sigh in resignation and look at her.
"There is nothing wrong about expressing how you feel deep inside. Your reputation might maybe change a little, but tell me, since when do you care about what people around you think of you?" she gave him a little speech, then asked him a rhetorical question while raising her eyebrow.
"Exactly, Sonic! You've got nothing to worry about, as long as you have your real friends and family by your side!" Tails agreed with Amy's statement, for it really does not matter, what other people think of them.
"Yeah, I agree! Now embrace the relationship with pride, Sonic!" Knuckles threw in his own part about it while placing his hand on his own chest in a noble gesture. Heck, he himself wished he could be the proud lover for someone. He was just unlucky in that field. For some time he believed, that Amy was his destined girl lover, but sadly, she turned out to be rather a sister figure for him, so he ceased trying to court her. Then, for a short span of time, he even thought of Sticks, but the badger was too wild and did not show any signs of interest in relationship stuff, so the echidna gave up before even trying. Lastly, he felt a strong connection with Sonic, because of how adventurous they both are, plus he saw the perfect balance between Sonic's speed and his own strength. But sadly, Sonic was already with Shadow and Knuckles wasn't of a selfish nature, where he would attempt to separate the two from each other, only so he could have Sonic for himself. He wasn't like this at all. Yes, he did feel jealous, but he coped with the situation and worked on moving on from his little crush. As much as it hurted. He now also faintly remembered Rouge coming to tease him a little and then having some little chat with him, which gave him a sparkle of hope, that maybe he could finally get himself some partner. Yet, he still did not really feel like Rouge would be his type, she was confident and flirty, whilst he was rather courteous and shy. Only time can reveal the truth, he assumed.

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