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⚠️Sonadow fluff ahead + just a very tiny mention/hint of the embarrasing reproduction stuff, I promise, this story WON'T contain anything mature⚠️

Shadow and Maria sat together on the bed in her room and watched the beautiful sunset out of her window. Shadow sat in her lap and kept purring due to Maria absentmindedly stroking his quills and she occassionally scratched the spots behind his ears, which brought a pure bliss to the hybrid, whose fur stood up in response to such stimuli.
"I thought I would never be able to see this again, Shadow," Maria spoke up after a while, snapping Shadow out of the little trance he was in for the whole time.
"Yeah, but now you're here," he replied quietly and turned his head to look at her over his shoulder, causing her to stop the affectionate actions for a while.
"I am, thanks to you, my sweet hero," she smiled down at him and moved her arms around his torso to rest her hands on his amazingly soft belly, where she gave him a gentle belly rubs. From the past she remembered, that Shadow always loved belly rubs, yet was a little cautious, as she counted with the fact, that Shadow might have changed over the months, while she was gone. Shadow looked down at her hands and at first tensed up, for he disliked people touching the most sensitive spots of his body, but then relaxed, as he started purring again and even closed his eyes while leaning back against her to give her full access to his chest and belly. Maria got the sign, so she moved her one hand to Shadow's milky white chest fur while keeping her other hand on his belly and gave him the best massage she could. Shadow was in a pure heaven, his little tail started wagging in response and gently hit Maria's thigh with each thud. The girl giggled, when she felt that and leaning in she planted a caring kiss on top of his head.
"Thank you, Shad, for everything," she whispered to his ear, earning a soft hum from him.
"I had to, Maria. I couldn't stand the fact, that you'd be gone forever. As soon as I discovered you in the capsule Eggman kept you in, I got determined to bring you back, no matter what all I had to sacrifice in order to succeed," he replied genuinely and opening his eyes he suddenly flicked his ear, as if he could sense something about to happen.

And he was right, as there was a knock on the door right after. Maria perked up and moved Shadow onto the bed next to her before getting up and going to see, who it was. Shadow remained sitting there and just watched her from afar. Maria pressed the button next to the door to open it and revealed the blue hedgehog standing there.
"Oh, hi, Maria! Mind, if I borrow Shadow for the night?" Sonic looked up at her and smiled at her, feeling a little nervous deep down.
"Hi, Sonic, I wouldn't mind. But it's up to him," Maria replied and turned around to call Shadow over, but the hybrid was already coming closer.
"I don't mind. It was a nice day with you, Maria," the hybrid admitted and looked up at his sister figure.
"It was just as nice with you, Shad. Have a good time together, boys. And don't get too wild~" Maria replied while patting Shadow's head and smirked devillishly afterwards. The both hedgehogs turned bright red in their faces.
"MARIA!!" they both exclaimed unisono, getting so easily flustered, when they were teased like this. Maria laughed in response and dismissed the two hedgies.
"I am kidding," she replied and once the hedgehogs left, she smirked for herself again.
"Maybe~" she whispered before giggling mischievously, as she closed the door and went to read some book before her sleep time.

Sonic and Shadow soon arrived to Shadow's room and sitting on the bed next to each other they felt a bit awkward due to the tease from the kind-hearted, yet so mischievous Robotnik. Sonic wondered, if they had this mischief in their family genes, because seemingly every single Robotnik possessed it. Ivo definitely with all the robots he builds, always trying to create some surprise for the heroes. Maria teasing them so unexpectedly. Shadow himself has shown a signs of mischief a few times as well.
"S-So...," Sonic held his hands together in his lap with his fingers interlocked and nervously twiddled with his thumbs.
"What did you two talk about?" he found courage to finally ask the first question popping up in his mind while glancing at his companion.
"Oh, mostly about our past, the sweet moments we have experienced together back then and lastly we watched the sunset. For me, it was a nice day," Shadow confessed everything and looking back at his lover he smiled at him.
"What about you? How was your day?" he asked in return, genuinely curious.
"Oh, uh, I went to enjoy some run, per usual. Then I returned to the village, as I wanted to talk to Tails, but he was on a date with Zooey, so.. I then talked to Amy for a bit and we spent some time together in a park. I can say, probably a nice day for me too, yet.. I am still nervous around Tails. I know, that he was worried sick about me and I was so reckless to not take my communicator with me," Sonic confessed his part -  leaving out the fact about giving Espio the chaos emerald - and sighed afterwards while lowering his head and looking down at his hands in his lap.
"Sonic," the blue speedster heard the other call his name quietly while seeing his black gloveless hand reaching for his gloved one. Sonic let him take his hand and watched their fingers getting interlocked, which finally made the hero look up at his hybrid lover.
"You forgot about it, right? It isn't your fault. If anything, it's my fault, as I took you here without question... but, know, that I had to do it. I was desperate, since Maria only had a few hours before she'd be gone for good. It was an emergency, in a way," Shadow took the blame on himself, rightfully though, because he was the one teleporting Sonic here along with himself. Only if he knew, that Sonic wasn't needed for the revival at all, he would leave him in the village and things might have been hopefully better between Sonic and Tails by now. But that isn't their reality. This is their reality, Tails is probably still mad at both of them and Sonic cannot stop it from bothering him. Shadow himself was pretty much cool about it, maybe because his reputation is already bad in the village, so he could really care less. Yet, it bugged him in the back of his mind due to Sonic having to suffer through such hardship because of him.
"I get it, Shadow," Sonic sighed and broke their hold, as he was now too nervous and worried to hold his lover's hand. Shadow understood, despite the sharp sting shooting straight through his heart caused by Sonic's action.
"Call him," the hybrid commanded firmly while crossing his arms.
"Call him!" Shadow was persistent about it, for he saw a chance to fix it.
"No way, Shadow! I need to talk to him face to face. I don't want him to think, that I am some sort of coward or something," Sonic opposed while shaking his head, refusing to do it.
"Well, now you are one," Shadow retorted with a scoff, which enraged the hero.
"I am NOT a coward, Shadow! Don't you ever dare to call me that again, I am warning you!" Sonic exclaimed and poked Shadow's chest with his index finger.
"What will you do about it?" Shadow raised a brow in a challenging manner, which equaled to a walk on a thin ice. One wrong step and a disaster happens.
"Provoke me further and you'll see!" Sonic fearlessly challenged him back, having one dark thought in his mind, but prayed to any possible existing God to not be forced to say it out loud. Not to mention, that he did not really want to do it, but if he has no other choice....
"Provoke? Tch... I was trying to help you, dummy!" Shadow hissed in response, now bristling his quills in the process.
"Yeah, that would surely help, Shadow! And if he asks me, where I am, what am I supposed to tell him? Simply, that I am in Egghead's base along with you? And even if I don't tell him, he would track me down, you know that!" Sonic abruptly stood up and aggressively gestured with his hands.
"You're overreacting," Shadow rolled his eyes, keeping his voice low, as he refused to fall down to the same low level like Sonic.
"So what?" Sonic hissed through his teeth.
"You know what, you're right, let's drop it," Shadow resignated, earning a scoff from Sonic, while the hero crossed his arms and worked on calming down.
"I am just worried, Shads. Tails is my good friend, kinda like a brother to me and I would hate to lie to him or go behind his back," Sonic explained his overreaction, which Shadow nodded at in response.
"I understand that, but... he cannot watch you all the time like a little kid," the hybrid pointed out a true fact. Sonic was not obliged to always stay in the village, if he desired to be somewhere else. Somewhere with Shadow, wherever that would be.
"Yeah, I know. Heh, guess we need to adjust to such change, me and Tails," Sonic slowly approached his lover and standing in front of him he placed his hands on Shadow's shoulders, whilst Shadow moved his hands on Sonic's sides.
"You both will surely get used to it, Sonic. Plus, he also has someone to date, so, I am sure he will understand," the hybrid softly smiled at his partner. Sonic listened to him and nodded in agreement while lifting his hand to cup Shadow's cheek and gently rub it with his thumb.
"Now, would you like to experiment around a little~?" Shadow smirked at his partner playfully, causing Sonic to get curious and wag his tail rapidly in anticipation.
"What are you planning to do?" the blue hero asked curiously, unable to hide his excitement.

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