Chapter 4: Greater Good

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After the nights spent with Kaval, Ari was filled to the brim with the taste of his memories and blood, so he drifted in and out of sleep throughout most of the journey to Palatium. It did not help that Kaval's lap was more comforting than any pillow. His gentle threading through Ari's hair lulled him to sleep, perhaps intentionally, to shield him from seeing too much too soon. At that moment, it did not matter much to Ari.

When Ari awoke for the fourth time, he found Kaval locked in a deep kiss with Nis. Surprisingly, Ari felt no strong disdain for what he was witnessing. Seeing Nis' cheeks so flushed was a sight Ari had once imagined. When he was not talking, Nis could indeed be quite attractive.

Kaval's hand held the side of Nis' head firmly in place before it gravitated towards Nis' hair, clutching a handful of it.

"You want me to promise you something I cannot possibly do," Nis sighed as he broke away for breath. "You bait me with this. Your body... your tongue... Corrupting devil."

Kaval smiled into his neck in response.

"Devilish fiend," Nis whispered as if saying a sweet nothing. He took the hand that once cradled his face and bit the space between Kaval's thumb and forefinger. "How you vex me so."

Their eyes locked once more, the tension palpable. Nis' gaze slid to Ari in the next moments, causing Ari to blink away, abashed.

"I suppose if it is for the greater good, I will think more on it. For now, I will do as I see fit. Auovin has been... unpredictable these past decades," Nis finished, pulling away from Kaval. He cut his eyes away from Ari and stared out the window.

Auovin? Ari's eyes found Kaval's. He watched as he wiped away a small amount of blood from his lips with the back of his hand and approached Ari on the other side of the carriage.

"How did you sleep?" Kaval asked, turning Ari's head left and right before letting go.

"Well," Ari mumbled. More than well, actually. He could not remember the last time he had slept so deeply, feeling thoroughly sated in every way possible. It was no small wonder why he had slept throughout the journey.

Ari realized he had unfairly expected Sascha to fill a void that was deep and wide. He had been a terrible friend to him. Once he arrived, he resolved to find some way to apologize. Even then, Ari feared it would not be enough.

"You should sleep more. Regain your strength," Kaval suggested.

"I have slept plenty already," Ari replied, yawning. Despite his protest, he would not mind lying back on Kaval's lap.

Kaval threaded a hand through Ari's hair before planting a kiss atop his head. "I think you should sleep more. I will wake you when we arrive. Perhaps... a little after when we are settled. There will be so much to see and so much to learn... So many things competing for your attention. A little sleep right now would not hurt you." With a gentle push on his back, Kaval guided Ari to rest his head on his lap.

Ari snuggled into Kaval's lap almost involuntarily. How could he resist such a request? Still, Ari wanted to object. He made a motion to rise, but was deterred by a gentle caress on his cheek followed by warm lips pressing near his ear.

"How you resist so... It is cute. There is no need for such a show of will. Sleep. I will not judge you or think less of you," Kaval whispered into his ear, warming Ari's cheeks. He had to beat down those hot thoughts forming. Ah, such innocent words and soft touches brought on such feelings so quickly.

Ari wanted to ask Kaval about his words to Nis. What did he ask of him? And how did it involve Auovin? These questions weighed heavily on his mind, but his eyelids grew heavier by the second until sleep claimed him once more.

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