L'arrivée De Lord Julien

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French Court. Kingdom of France. 2 weeks later.

By the time the Queen Penelope sub plot finally rolled around, things were getting worse around the castle. Henry's madness was getting more severe. His appetites for violence and sexual depravity grew more extreme. He would summon servant girls, prostitutes, noble ladies, anyone, and by time it was done, many of them were traumatized beyond words. It probably hadn't been in the show because it was way too graphic for a TV14 audience.

The good news however, was that Lola had seemingly ceased her pursuit of me after I told her about Tomàs. She made it a personal mission to stay as far away from me as possible out of fear that I might not be bluffing.

Bash too, had been distant. He was tracking down the Darkness near the blood wood. I felt relief that I had managed to spare Olivia D'Amencourt from its clutches; despite giving her a broken heart. My only true comfort was Mary. We always took every meal together and...attempted to make heirs with great frequency.

"So any servant can become queen for the day?" Mary inquired as we walked towards the throne room on the day of the whole bean thing. "I don't remember this tradition."

"It's because we were children.I think my mother hid it from us for a while." I quoted as saying held my wife's hand.


"My father welcomes the temporary queen in his own way."

"In his bed." Mary deduced with a smirk.

"If the girl who finds the bean in her slice of cake happens to be pretty." I clarified with a smirk of my own. "She wears my mother's crown, the finest clothes, and spends the day ordering servants around. By dawn, she has a hundred ducats, a pile of gifts, but she is a servant girl once more."

"A true fairy tale ending." Mary dryly remarked.

"It's a tradition I always prefer to avoid; especially when Diane de Poitiers was here." I replied with a chuckle at the idea of Henry juggling all his bitches. "To watch my father juggling a mistress, my mother and the Bean Queen. Bash and I always fled for a hunt."

"Well, at least the bean gives them something new to gossip about." Mary said with relief in her voice. "It's the first time in weeks that no one's pestered me about giving you heirs."

"Perhaps I should pester you." I teased as she gave me a kiss.

"Mary, Greer's ready to present him to you now." Kenna said as she walked up to us.

"Who?" I asked as if I didn't already know.

"Lord Julien: Greer's fiancé." Mary replied as she took her leave. As I walked behind her into the throne room, I saw Lord Julien AKA Remy standing next to Greer. I'd already made up my mind to bring him into the Varden. With his brand of cunning, he would be a valuable asset. I just needed to get the false nobleman alone so that I could make him an offer he couldn't refuse. Eventually that snaky slut Penelope got her hands on that stupid bean.

"Yes, yes, I've won!" She exclaimed with glee. "The bean! I found the bean!" Catherine would later accuse her of fucking the pastry chef to cheat; but it was never proven if she did or not. Although, considering how she became Henry's whore...it's plausible.

"What is your name?" Henry asked as he walked up to her; clearly liking what he saw.

"Uh Penelope, from the kitchen." She said awkwardly.

"Well, you're very pretty." Henry said as Catherine came over to bestow her tiara on the bitch's head.

"Penelope, I crown you Queen of the Bean." My mother said as Penelope was hoisted up onto a couch and carried out of the throne room on fine style. After that fiasco, I went over to Lord Julien to introduce myself.

"Lord Julien." I said as the false noble bowed his head.

"My Dauphin, it is an honor to meet you." He said with a smile.

"May I trouble you for a moment of your time?" I asked as i motioned him to walk with me.

"Of course." Remy replied as we walked out of the throne room and into a chamber where our conversation would not be overheard.

"I wish for us to speak plainly, would that be agreeable...Remy?" I asked as his eyes went as wide as dinner plates.

"My Dauphin...why did you call me Remy, you know my name is Julien..." he stuttered desperately as I raised my hand.

"Let us not waste time. You were the secretary for the real Lord Julien when he died in a fire. The local magistrate mistook you for he and you didn't correct him." I rattled off as Remy broke out into cold sweat.

"How...could you possibly know this..." he whispered in disbelief.

"How I know doesn't matter, what matters is that if you want my silence on this matter, I will require something in return: your membership." I asserted.

"My membership?" The false lord asked in confusion.

"I'm about to tell you something very few people know: I am the master of a secret society of spies that inhabit every corner of French Court and beyond; we call ourselves The Varden." I explained.

"You wish for me to join this...Varden?" He asked in shock.

"If you wish to keep masquerading as Lord Julien, yes. Your skills in deception make you a valuable asset to our cause. The choice is yours...sort of." I answered as Remy paced about the room for a minute, trying to decide what to do now that I knew his dark secret. Finally, he slumped his shoulders in defeat.

"My Dauphin, I humbly accept your invitation to join the Varden." Remy stated as I shook his hand.

"Excellent, stay around Court for now. When we need you, we'll be in touch; Lord Julien." I said as I left the chamber; thankful to have another agent in my group.


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