Se Battre Pour l'Ecosse

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French Court. Kingdom of France. 3 days later.

The next few days, I spent as much time as I could trying to learn how to be a better Dauphin. I started taking Spanish lessons for when I had to deal with Spain in the latter seasons. I also tried to brush up on my etiquette and courtly manners; areas in which I was sorely lacking. Bash proved to be most helpful in these areas; despite his status of bastard. He got me up to date on everything that I needed to know as the next king of France.

My swordsmanship was also improving, under Bash's tutelage. He still bested me in our sparring sessions, but now, he actually had to push himself to beat me. I was improving everyday, but I knew that wasn't a good enough swordsman yet.

Unfortunate, my lessons with Bash were interrupted when the English army had to start being assholes on the Scottish border. I was summoned into the throne room to overlook the situation with King Henry and his advisors. Bloody Mary Tudor was sending English troop to amass on the border of Scotland and civilian casualties has been reported. Henry was willing to send supplies and foodstuffs to the outnumbered Scottish Army; but when it came to putting French boots on the ground, that was where he drew the line. His advisors didn't care to object; but when Mary stormed into the throne room, she made it clear that she would.

"Your Grace, we've been discussing this business in Scotland. You have my sympathy." The King replied in true politician fashion. It was disheartening to hear that some things don't change.

"Father, I believe that a tad bit more than sympathy is in order." I said calmly as he gave me an annoyed look.

"Of course, we're sending wagons, gunpowder, supplies for your army..." Henry recounted before the Scottish Queen cut him off.

"Supplies are useless without men. Surely you can spare a few." Mary pleaded to the King. "You have so many more soldiers than we do."

"And Many more borders as well." Henry argued. "You only have to worry about England. I have England, Spain, a hundred Italian and German principalities."

"You are supposed to be our ally." Mary shot back If our positions were reversed, Scotland would help."

"Mary, I'm sorry." Henry said, trying to sound like he meant it.

"Eight companies." Mary offered as Henry stayed silent. "Six!"

"I believe that six companies is a fair request for such a valued ally." I added as Mary looked at me with gratitude.

"I hope I will have the happiness of seeing you tonight at the entertainments, yes?" Henry asked with a slight bow, signaling that the conversation was over.

"I hope you understand the position you're putting us in; lives will be lost." Mary said in quiet anger as she left us.

"She asked for six companies, not the entire French army." I snapped at my so called father.

"And what if we lose those companies?" Henry asked me in annoyance. "We look weak in England's eyes. So we send more and we lose those. When do we stop? Before or after England decides we're soft prey?"

"So what, we just say fuck it and let Scotland fall to the English?" I ask, equally annoyed.

"At the moment, the Scottish border is quicksand. You know this." Henry told me with a glare in my eyes. "A pretty girl doesn't change that fact, even if she happens to be your fiancée and their Queen." It was clear that he wasn't going to be moved, so I also took my leave. Luckily, Mary hadn't gotten too far away.

" father just...the political situation is complicated." I said as I raced up to her.

"Complicated?" Mary asked incredulously. "People will be dying soon. Isn't that complicated enough?"

"Look Mary, I think you're right about this." I said as she turned to me.

"You do?" She asked surprisingly.

"Yes, I think France should help Scotland." I replied as I looked into her eyes. "We're at a tilting point: If England invades Scotland and succeeds, it'll be that much of a stronger enemy to France. We are your allies, so it's high time we start acting like it."

"Then we're on the same side." Mary said with relief.

"For all the good it does, one day, we'll rule France and Scotland and we'll be together." I promised as I tried to stay positive, despite my knowing of what laid ahead. "Now we have no real power."

"If we have no power, then we must find a way of getting some." Mary replied with determination as I too her hand in mine.

Later that day.

I marched my ass back into the throne room as Mary was off for her eventual meet cute with the Portuguese royal bastard. Meanwhile, I had to do something. It wasn't a good plan, but it was all I had. As I arrived, Henry and Bash were sparing with wooden swords.

"We should help Scotland and not just because of Mary. The English attack is a threat to French security." I insisted as they stopped to look at me.

"By all means, explain." Henry said, motioning me on.

"When you say that the border is quicksand, you assume that we'll lose. England hasn't sent its entire army north." I explained as best I could: "They're poking to see what reaction they get. We could strike fast and hit back hard. Once they realize that we intend to defend Scotland, they'll back down. But if we do nothing, we risk losing the entire Scottish alliance; years of planning, wasted."

"So it's a balance of risks either way, very good." Henry said as I braced myself for the rejection. "Except I've decided the reasons against outweigh the reasons for; and guess what: I'm King." He then turned to back to Bash.

"Another round?" He asked as I took a deep breath and decided to throw a Hail Mary.

"You never spar with me." I pointed out as I got his attention once more.

"Is it a good idea for a King to spar with his usurper?" Henry asked in jest.

"You mean his inheritor." I clarified as I took the wooden sword from Bash. "If you win, I shut up about this whole subject. If I win, you send those six companies of men." Henry nodded his consent as we got into position and began our duel.

Fighting Henry was a pain in the ass. When I was sparring with Bash, he took it easy on me because he knew that I didn't have the training that Francis had. Henry however, didn't hold back. It took all of the strength that I had to parry his thrusts. Eventually, Henry for the drop on me and delivered a harsh blow to my ribs; knocking me on my ass. As I caught my wind, the King pressed his wooden blade to my throat.

"No one is going to Scotland and that is the final word on the subject." Henry commanded as he walked away, leaving his 2 sons.

"I could have told you that you weren't ready to face him." Bash said as he helped me up.

"I already feel like enough of a fool, I don't need you rubbing it in." I snapped as I stormed off, uneager to tell Mary that I'd let her down; again.


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