Débattre De Nostradamus

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Paris, Kingdom of France. Later that day.

After we were no longer in sight of the castle, we started to make plans for our future.

"After I see you and Francis off to Scotland, I'll find passage a different way." Bash declared, earning a look of shock from us both.

"You can't be serious, after all that we have gone through together, endured together, fought for together, you would abandon us?" I asked incredulously as Mary clearly shared my feelings. Mary and I needed Bash desperately and we both knew it. Neither Mary nor I had ever been to Scotland and if we were going to consolidate Mary's power upon our arrival, we were going to need a man who could kick ass and a man that we could trust with our lives.

"Bash, you must come with us to Scotland." I chastised my false brother as our horses trotted along. "If Mary is to get to Edinburgh in one piece to claim her rightful throne, she will need us both to defend her against threats known and unknown."

"Please Bash, please come with us." Mary pleaded as she looked at him wistfully. "After Francis and I have established ourselves in Scotland, you may leave if you wish." Bash thought about it for a moment and then agreed.

"I suppose that you shall have to teach Francis and I how to speak Scottish." He remarked with a smirk as Mary returned it.

"The original language is called Gaelic, not Scottish." She corrected him.

"So...if my memory serves correctly, there are 2 main port cities where we can try to find passage to Scotland: the first one is at Cherbourg-en-Contentin. If we tried to get a ship there, it would take us through the English Channel where we might run into Tudor vessels." I explained as he rode at a slow pace after a couple hours of hard riding.

"Best to avoid those if we're traveling with the Queen of Scotland." Bash remarked.

"You said there was another port?" Mary inquired.

"Yes, the port of Brest. It's far closer to Scotland and would allow us to avoid the channel altogether." Bash added as I threw him a nod.

"Then to Brest it is." Mary conceded as we spurred our horses on forward towards our hopes of freedom.

Later that night.

After we'd made decent progress in our quest to find a ship sailing to Brest, Bash decided that it was time to set up camp. We found a clearing that didn't seem to be occupied by any savage beasts. The first thing that we needed to do was to build a fire. Unfortunately, we didn't have any axes and the swords that Bash and I did possess were not meant for the chopping of wood. Bash volunteered to go gather what loose wood that he could while I would remain with Mary and see her protected. After Bash had gone off to collect the wood, Mary and I finally had a moment to talk things out.

"So...are you going to tell me why you really don't want to marry me anymore?" I inquired as Mary grew silent.

"Whatever reason that I could offer you would never satisfy the hunger in your heart." Mary replied as I took her hand in mine.

"I know Mary, I know about the prophecy foretold by Nostradamus; and all of the wicked things that my mother did to you so that it might be prevented." I said with intent as her eyes went wide in pure shock.

"How did you find out?" Mary asked as I knew that I wasn't going to get away with just brushing it off. It may have worked with Olivia D'Amencourt, but that shit wasn't going to fly with Mary Stuart.

"I overheard Nostradamus discussing the matter with Catherine one night when I couldn't sleep. She asked him if his prophecy had changed and he told her that it had not; that if we were to wed, it would guarantee my demise. " I lied as I tried to sound as believable as I possibly could.

"Then you know why I can't not marry you." Mary pointed out.

"Even though you love me?" I asked as I felt my eyes tear up and saw hers do the same.

"Even though I love you." Mary confirmed as I shook my head. I was utterly in love with Mary, not Adelaide Kane playing Mary, Mary. I had never loved any woman in my life as I loved Mary. I had never been as vulnerable with any woman as I was with Mary and I couldn't let her walk out of my life; I just couldn't.

"You would let some old crackpot's superstition keep us apart?" I inquired in pain.

" I believe him Francis, he predicted Aylee's death and she never went back home again as he said she would not." Mary pointed out as I took both of her hands. I knew that telling her too much about the subplots wasn't a good idea, but I had to let her in on more secrets if I was to break the hold that Nostradamus and the Medici bitch held over her.

"Aylee didn't die because Nostradamus saw it, she died because of a fall, people fall down flights of stairs all the time, it does not mean that their death has been written or the stars." I reasoned as I looked into Mary's eyes. I wanted to tell her about Aylee drinking the poison, but there was just no logical way for me to explain how I would know about that without spilling the beans about my being from the future and her life being a TV show.

"Even if that is true, I can't take a risk on your life!" Mary exclaimed in tears.

"Would you rather that I live a life of loneliness, because I swear that is all that awaits me if you refuse to marry me. I can't love anyone else like you Mary; believe me, I tried." I exclaimed in return as Bash dropped a bundle of sticks at our feet before Mary could respond.

"If you two could stop arguing about Nostradamus for a moment, we can make a fire." he replied with his usual tongue in cheek wit.


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