La Lune De Miel Commence

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Anet, Kingdom of France. 1 week later.

After enduring France's most boring ball hosted by France's most boring Duke, Mary and I were finally on our way to our cottage in Anet. Despite how stuffy it was, Mary was pleased because she had made some headway in getting her girls married off. She had found suitable noble men for Greer and Lola. Under normal circumstances, it would have been a very good thing indeed; except for me, it wasn't.

I honestly hadn't decided what to do about Leith Bayard yet. Now that I'd brought Claude to French court sooner than the show did, I had myself a serious choice to make: Should I, against my better judgement, try to get Greer to grow some ovaries and be with Leith, her greedy ass family be damned? Or, should I try to make a noble out of him so that he can marry Claude. It was an impossible decision, because without Leigh, both women would end up alone and miserable. I just had to decide whose happiness meant more: Claude's or Greer's.

As for Lola, I knew damn well that she wasn't going to settle for any noble that Mary threw in front of her. She was only interested in trying to get me to give into my list so that she could hurt Mary as payback for losing Colin, her precious boy from Aberdeen.

I guess that I may have been thinking harder and for longer than I had intended to, because I knew what was happening, Mary was jostling me out of my train of thought.

"Francis, we're nearly at the chateau." Mary replied as I gave her a nod. "Are you all right, it seemed like you weren't all there for a while.

"Yes...I was just...thankful to finally be alone with my wife." I said with a forced smile as I pressed Mary's hand to my lips. I didn't fool Mary at all, I could see it in her eyes that she didn't believe me when I told her everything was fine. Thankfully, she pretended to buy it and snuggled up close as the carriage pulled in sight of our chateau. I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief as the carriage slowly came to a stop outside of the chateau.

"Ready to finally begin our honeymoon?" Mary asked with a wide smile as I took her hand in mine. I got out of the carriage before offering my hand to Mary so she could do the same. I was given the key by a servant and I unlocked the main door to the Chateau. As we walked inside, I noticed that it looked nice; plain but nice. It was nicer than most other places of the day, but when you've spent serious time living at French Court, you start to get used to being in the lap of luxury.

"It looks lovely." Mary said with a grin as she slid her arm into mine.

"It does, my Queen." I said, gazing at my wife while the servants carried in our clothes and possessions and food and everything else that we had brought along for our honeymoon. We had reached an agreement with my parents that only 2 servants and 2 bodyguards would be with us at the Chateau. They wanted to make sure that we would be safe, so far from the palace. But I managed to convince Henry that the less attraction that we drew to ourselves, the safer we would be.

"We have 2 months without the drama of French court." I said as I wrapped my arms around Mary, craving the feeling of her next to me.

"Just me and my husband." Mary said dreamily as she leaned onto my chest. I inhaled the scent of her dark chocolate brown hair and I know that whoever reads this will label me as some perv, but the truth is that I just loved every part of her so much, I wanted to memorize every patch of skin on her body, count every hair on her head. Luckily for me that Mary's as real now. If I was still talking about a fictional character, even I would be creeped out.

After about forty five minutes worth of arguing, Mary and I convinced the guards to let us go on a walk through the woods by ourselves. There was a glade near the chateau and it was very pretty. There was even a pond within it.

"So, you think you might be able to find some suitors for your ladies?" I asked Mary as we strolled by the pond. I was hopeful that if Mary waved a noble in front of Lola, she would take it and run.

"They seemed interested from what I told them of Greer and Lola. I know that Greer needs a match desperately." Mary answered.

"She could have suitors a plenty if she stopped letting her father do her thinking for her." I remarked as I wanted to save Leith as much heartbreak as I could.

"Let's focus on us." Mary insisted as she held onto my arm. I let my eyes land on the pond as I got an idea.

"Then let's focus on us." I said as I went over to the water's edge and began to remove my clothes.

"What are you doing?" Mary asked in surprise.

"Going for a swim." I said as I finished removing my trousers and boots, leaving myself naked.

"Francis!" Mary exclaimed with a violent blush as I jumped into the pond.

"Come on Mary, swim with me!" I exclaimed as she rolled her eyes before she began to undo her dress.

"I can't believe this..." she muttered as she revealed her perfect nakedness and hopped into the water with me.

"If you tell anyone about this Francis..." Mary warned me as we held onto each other; wet, naked and happy.

"No one is going to know about this, except us." I assured my Queen as I splashed her in the water.

"You have started a war with Scotland!" Mary exclaimed as he began splashing each other with water, trying to get the other to concede.


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