Pardon & Tromperie

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French Court. 1 week later.

That next week was the longest that I'd had in quite a while. Mary avoided me whenever possible and her ladies in waiting whispered behind my back; except Kenna who was too busy screwing the King to engage in gossip. I kept sleeping in Olivia's bed, but I refused to touch her. As agreed, she told Catherine that I was bedding her and the serpent seemed pleased that there was separation between Mary and myself. Olivia told me that Catherine had commanded her to made sure that I stayed in her bed. Eventually, news came that there was an uprising of peasants. Henry rode out with soldiers to quell them, setting up the Count Vincent subplot.

Catherine was running around like a headless chicken, preparing everything for the count's arrival. She had provided Charles and I with the golden fancy forks that we would be using during the dinner.

"On guard!" I exclaimed as we pretended to duel with the fancy forks. Charles was getting so much into it that I had to shut him down before he skewered me.

"It's not a toy, Charles." I chastised my kid brother. "It's an instrument of diplomacy."

"Let's go, Charles." His nanny said as she came to fetch the boy to his lessons. As Charles exited from the room, a stone faced Mary walked in. Catherine had probably been bragging about how she believed that I was banging Olivia's brains out. We hadn't spoken since I confessed to killing Tomàs, so it was safe to say that we both felt awkward.

"My mother's fault..." I said, trying to lighten the mood. "She's forcing everyone to learn how to use these things: Forks. A Neapolitan count is coming and and doesn't want us to look like barbarians before a fellow Italian."

"Is that why your father has asked you to stay?" Mary asked.

"He must be greeted by a king or a dauphin or else it's an insult." I answered as I knew what was coming.

"Well, at least you'll have more time to spend with Olivia; in bed." She snapped as I sighed at the damage control that I would have to do.

"I have been in bed with Olivia, but not in the way you think." I clarified as I turned to face Mary. "I sleep in her bed to alleviate my loneliness at night, but that is all. I do not hold her, I do not kiss her, I do not touch her and I do not fuck her."

"Why do you feel the need to sleep in her bed?" Mary asked, her voice losing its venom.

"Because this past week has been torture." I replied as I walked up to her. "To be without you because of a horrible thing that I pains me beyond belief." I fought the urge to cry as Mary gently took my hand.

"Bash came to me...he told me that he, helped you murder Tomàs." Mary stated as I was surprised that Bash had outed himself.

"He did?" I asked in surprise.

"Why didn't you tell me that Bash helped you?" Mary asked in return.

"I didn't feel the need to throw Bash into the fire for something that I probably forced him into." I admitted as the whole thing had been my idea to begin with. Mary nodded before trying to hold my hand, but pulling back at the last minute.

"Bash also confirmed everything you said about Tomàs, the kind of man that he was...the horrid things that he said about me." Mary whispered in disgust as she must have surely regretted ever considering his proposal.

"Then you have to understand why I did it Mary, if you had married that Portuguese prick...he would have beaten you and thrown you in a gilded cage." I explained, trying to defend myself. "He would have had you trapped Mary and you would have died if you couldn't get free. Maybe not at first, because you are so strong...but at some point...that fire inside of you that I love about you Mary...that fire would have died out." Mary let tears fall from her eyes as she forced herself to look at me.

"Francis, I know that you did what you did because you love me and I don't doubt that you would march into Hell itself for me." Mary said to me as she looked in my eyes. "But the thought of a man's blood on your hands...I just need forget about what you felt forced to do for me."

"Take all the time you need, i'll wait forever if I have to." I promised as I had to admit that what she was asking for was fair.

"Forever is a very long time." Mary said as we both got to our feet.

"Then it's a good thing you're worth it." I replied, earning a smile from my future bride.

Eventually, the Count and his men arrived to the palace. I had thought about asking Catherine to send him away and avoid the whole episode, but the odds are that I wouldn't have been able to come up with a good enough argument. So, I just had to stand next to the serpent as we waited to receive our guest.

"Be on your best behavior." Catherine reminded me as if I was Charles's age. "He's from a minor family, but they have influence."

"The Honorable Count Vincent, of Naples!" the herald called as the count and his men walked into the castle.

"There's no one to misbehave in front of as French court is nearly vacant." I quoted in response.

"Smile, remember, it was less than a year ago that Henry was at war with half of Italy." She chided once again before Vincent walked up to us. In the show, he looked like a deceitful bastard and seeing him up close just confirmed that he was an Italian serpent like Catherine. She greeted him in Italian, but I couldn't understand it.

"Your Majesty, what a blessing to be in your luminous presence." the Count said as he planted a kiss to her hand.

"Grazie." Catherine replied, thanking him in Italian.

"I should explain my lack of punctuality to King Henry, but I see the son and not the father." Vincent pointed out.

"Unfortunately the king is away at the moment." I explained.

"But what better host than a fellow Italian?" Catherine interjected.

"Your Majesty, I must ask the count's men for their weapons before I show them to their rooms;King Henry would expect it." One of the guards insisted.

"Of course, it's just a formality, Count; you don't mind?

"I insist." Count Vincent agreed as his men withdrew their weapons. I knew that somehow they would manage to turn the tables on. I could do nothing, but brace myself for the long night ahead.


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