Faire Des Affaires

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Later on, Mary came to present herself to our honored guest and right off the bat, Count Vincent poured on the charm almost immediately. Considering what he almost did to my bride to be later on in the episode, it took all of my self control not to slug that Neapolitan bastard right in the face.

"Your Grace." Vincent said as he pressed his lips to her hand before turning to me. "You must guard her close, Dauphin, or someone might steal her away."

"Wise advice indeed." I replied with a fake smile as the count was poured a glass of fine French wine.

"How delightful." Vincent said as he admired the craftsmanship of the alcohol. "All of Italy has heard of the gold goblets given you by Pope Clement on your marriage. No doubt you keep them for more important guests."

"So, Count, is this your first visit to France?" Mary inquired, trying to alleviate the tension and failing miserably.

"No, I was on French soil less than a year ago to negotiate for my son." Vincent explained as the tension continued to rise. "He was taken prisoner along with some other officers near the Italian border."

"I'm sorry..." I said as I knew that despite his outward demeanor, the count was pissed.

"Nothing to be ashamed of, war is costly." The count assured us all. "One's money must be recouped somehow. Holding hostages for ransom is an old tradition."

"And did you secure your son's release?" Catherine asked.

"Of course, Roberto was held for eight months." Vincent answered. "I bargained like any Italian would: shrewdly. I worked my way up through two colonels and a general and negotiated with the king; and one day he was returned to me: for 1,500 ducats."

"Thank God that your son was returned to you, Count Vincent." I replied with a weak smile as he gave me a stone cold look in return.

"It is hard to appraise the value of a human life, but now I know my son's: 1,500 ducats." Vincent continued as bitterness continued to creep into his voice. "I have France to thank for that clarity."

"To peace and long friendship." Catherine said, offering a toast.

"To clarity." The count toasted in return as I took Mary's hand in mine. I knew damn well the clarity he spoke of and there was no way for me or anyone to avoid it.

"Tell me, Your Highness, when do you expect King Henry to return with his men?" Vincent asked as I could see a couple of his men coming in with I'll intent.

"Quite soon." I lied, trying to keep up a poker face. "Knowing my father, he could return at any moment."

"Really?" Count Vincent asked as he saw through my BS. "I understand they traveled to Lorraine to put down some village unrest."

"And yet you seem surprised he wasn't here to greet you." I pointed out as a guard whispered in his ear. My first thought was to get Mary out so she could begin planning an escape.

"Mary...you need to go..." I whispered.

"I'm not leaving you." She whispered back with determination. I heaved a sigh as I turned back to the count.

"Count, perhaps it's time to tell us why you're here. It's not a diplomatic visit." I said, trying to move this plot along.

"You're right, Dauphin, I've come for restitution."

"Restitution?" I asked, as if I didn't know what the Hell he was talking about.

"The conditions of my son's confinement were not ideal." Vincent explained as he drank his wine. "Roberto was returned to me, yes, but he died of dysentery on his journey home."

"Count, I'm so sorry." Catherine said in an attempt to comfort her countryman. "To outlive a child, the pain is unimaginable."

"My wife is dead, I have no other children, i'm the last of my name. Am I not due satisfaction?" The count inquired.

"Perhaps this discussion should be postponed until the king's return?" The serpent offered.

"If I wanted to wait for the king's return, I wouldn't have camped in the woods for the last three weeks, waiting for Henry and his men to leave." The Italian count pointed out as the growing number of guards made it clear that he was up to no good.

"You may leave with your life, that is all we can offer." I insisted as I put my hand on my sword.

"No one is leaving, Dauphin." Vincent insisted in return as we were surrounded by Italian guards who someone had gotten their swords back. "With your soldiers gone, my men control the entrance. They've taken your few aged guards prisoner, we have their weapons."

"The castle is secured, my lord." One of the guards reported as Mary, Catherine, and I were held at sword point by Vincent and his boys.

"This castle is now under my protection until I receive satisfaction." The count declared to all of us. I felt like telling that son of a bitch to get fucked, but I knew that mouthing off wasn't going to do any of us any good. Plus, if everything played out as it did on the show, Vincent would get his just desserts soon enough.

"You mean money, you're holding us for ransom?" Mary asked angrily as she stared down Catherine's countryman.

"Queen Mary, I apologize. You are an innocent in all this." The count said tenderly before turning his venom on the Medici serpent. "Now we will negotiate, one Italian to another."

After Mary was sent away to seek help from Clarissa, Catherine and I went to her study in an attempt to reason with Count Vincent, but the negotiations went nowhere fast.

"That is ten times what you paid for your son, think of all the things you could buy with that gold; it is a generous offer." Catherine insisted as Vincent clearly didn't give a damn about monetary gain.

"But it does not grant me satisfaction." he argued as I could see the light bulb going off in her head and the wicked plan forming.

"Of course, Gold will not resurrect your son, or your family line." She admitted as she attempted to kill 2 birds with 1 stone. "What you need, Count, is a bride."

"Mother, don't you dare." I growled as she brushed me aside.

"The Queen of Scotland is unmarried and still a virgin, she could give you sons; royal sons." Catherine offered as she grew gleeful at the thought of avoiding the prophecy while I grew enraged. "Take her back with you. Demand ransom, or force a marriage. Once she's ruined, she'd have to accept."

"That is a generous offer, does the dauphin agree?" the count inquired as I couldn't hold it in any longer and decided to unleash some venom of my own on the serpent.

"No, the dauphin thinks his mother is a most wicked and vile creature and that a proud and noble count such as yourself should be above dealing with such villains!" I exclaimed as Catherine looked at me with anger.

"How dare you speak to me in such a way!" she exclaimed loudly.

"How dare you sell off the love of my life as she was a whore and you her madam!" I shouted back as the count let out a whistle to stop our quarrel.

"If the dauphin feels that his mother is unworthy to deal with me, then why doesn't the dauphin himself make me an offer?" he suggested. I nodded as I knew there was only 1 thing I could offer.

"Tell me, noble count, have you read the book of Exodus?" I asked, trying to sound smarter than I was, if i'm being honest.

"Bits and pieces." Count Vincent admitted.

"In chapter 21, verses 23 through 27, the code of law is laid out: an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a life for a life." I explained with a smirk. "The punishment must fit the crime; King Henry took your son...how about you take his?"

"Francis no, my son is not well!" Catherine exclaimed quickly as she tried to stop me from sacrificing myself for Mary.

"Take me for ransom, we can leave for Italy tonight and you will have the heir to France as your hostage." I said as I saw a gleam of joy in the count's eyes.

"At last, a serious offer...and one I will accept." he replied.


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