Nouveau Reflet, Nouveau Monde

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French Court. Outside of Paris, France. April 16, 1557.

It felt as though I had slept for a month of Sundays. When I finally awoke, I knew right away that something was way, way off. First of all, the bedroom that I was in, was not my dorm room. The room that I did wake up in looked like something of a medieval museum. The walls were made of stone and covered in tapestries. As for the bed I was sleeping in, it seemed to be an old style type of build and instead of sheets, I was covered by an animal's pelt; a wolf if I was to venture. I slowly got out of the bed and on my feet. I went over to a dresser that was in the room and it had a mirror next to it. As I looked in the mirror, I was stunned to see the face and body of Toby Regbo looking back at me. His bright eyes and golden curls were on display for all to see.

"Toby...Toby Regbo?" I asked as I stepped closer to the mirror. I studied every inch of his face and his torso as I moved my hands up and found that Toby's moved in sync. I stopped dead in my tracks as I started to move my arms all over and Toby copied my movements exactly. I was floored as I realized that I was not looking at Toby, but at my own reflection. I pressed my face to the mirror as I studied the features. Toby's face was now my face, his body now my body.

"What the fuck is this..." I whispered as I couldn't tear my eyes away from the mirror. Suddenly, I head a knock on the chamber door.

"Your highness, will you need any help dressing?" A man asked from the other side of the door. I figured it must be a servant and I was in no mood to deal with anyone just yet.

"Um...I shall dress myself today, Merci." I called back as I sat down while my mind was racing. Everyone looked so familiar and now I knew why. I had gone from watching Reign to being in Reign. Even more fantastic, my soul had somehow been transported into the body of Francis Valois: Dauphin to the French throne. It all seemed impossible at the time and quite honestly still does. In that moment, I assumed that I must have been on a trip, on account of the weed that I had been smoking. I decided that the only thing to do was to ride it out and do the best I could to not cause trouble for myself.

I found several articles of princely clothing in Francis's wardrobe and I quickly scraped a uniform together. I wasn't used to 1500's clothing and I almost regretted not taking up the servant on his offer to dress me. Eventually, I got myself looking somewhat presentable. As I exited my bed chamber and walked through the castle, I tried to collect my thoughts. I had no idea at which point in the series that I was in. I figured it had to be most likely season 1 or 2 because that's when Francis was alive. If I was going to get through this, I was going to need to find an ally and right soon. Luckily, as I walked up a flight of stairs, I saw Francis's half brother: Sebastian de Poitiers. He looked exactly like he had in the series premier. I cleared my throat as I approached him.

"Sebastian!" i called out as the King's bastard turned to face me.

"Francis, they were looking for you everywhere, Tough to find you." he said as his eyes shined in the near mid day sun.

"I was riding." I said quickly, coming with an excuse for my disoriented state.

"Really, Who?" Bash inquired as we both shared a chuckle. That had always been what I liked about the character, he was always good for some comic relief.

"So Bash, how's the mood?" i asked, trying to get some sense of why I was being sought after.

"Father's or the mood in general? Tense to both." Bash replied. "Planning for your sister's wedding." It was official: I was in the very first episode of the series. It took some of the weight off my shoulders as I could follow along now.

"Is your mother in there?" I inquired, sticking to the script.

"No, only royals and their attendants allowed. But your mother Is in fine form, God save you." Bash said as my stomach did a backflip. Catherine de Medici was, in my opinion, a psycho bitch from Hell, and I was going to have to stand next to her and pretend that she was mommy dearest.

"God save me, indeed." I replied as Bash patted my shoulder.

"I'm off now that you're here." he said as he promptly walked off, leaving me to deal with the mess to come.

"Lucky bastard." I quipped as I finally appreciated Bash's freedom from the royal bullshit.

I eventually found my way into the King's chambers and I finally saw them up close. Henry II, King of France and my Father, was being dressed by his manservant. Meanwhile, Catherine de Medici, Queen of France and my mother, was giving him Hell about Mary Stuart's impending arrival.

"Mary should be protected, Hidden." The French Queen insisted.

"So you've claimed. You also claimed she needed to be kept at convent for her education, when we both know She simply irritated you." The French King shot back.

"Mary's arrival now upstages Our daughter's wedding." Catherine argued.

"It's the perfect occasion To showcase the alliance with Scotland." Henry argued back. "Half the continent's royalty will be feeding at our trough."

"There are those that say too many alliances make a king look weak." she pointed out,

"Then why did we sell our daughter to Spain?" he asked incredulously. I finally decided to walk up and make my presence known.

"I'm told I was needed, Or should I just come back on my wedding day?" I asked, waiting to see if I could pass myself off as their eldest legitimate son. "You've chosen my wife; have you set the date, too?"

"Here's the date: When I say so." Henry declared in my face. "Or England turns its sword In our direction; She's on her way." I had honestly forgotten how much of a royal douchbag Henry was and I was not looking forward to his end of season madness.

"Mary Stuart, you mean, I heard." I lied as I tried to stay calm.

"You don't sound Very enthusiastic." King Henry said as he picked up on my nervousness. "You were playmates once."

"She had skinny legs, A missing front tooth and strong opinions." i recited from memory.

"I'm sure the adult tooth has come in. The opinions you can ignore." Henry dismissed. "Isn't that right, Catherine?"

"Her ladies-in-waiting are on their way as well. Three titled, the other ridiculously rich. Just your type." Queen Catherine shot back as she wasn't putting up with her husband's shit.

"At least your bride has a country, And an army, should you need it." he pointed out, trying to sweeten the deal as he made his exit from his Italian wife.

"I may not have been born with a crown, But this country relies on my money." She insisted as she turned to look me dead in the eye. To be honest, I felt the urge to piss my pants a little bit; staring into her dark eyes, "Let him talk like a king. Your wedding won't happen until I say so."

"Oui, mother." I replied, forcing a smirk onto my face as she caressed my cheek with her hand.

"I'm on your side, Always." Catherine insisted as she tried to act all motherly towards me.

"I know." I replied, nor knowing if I had entered fanboy Heaven or fanboy Hell.


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