Lumiére Assombre

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French Court, Kingdom of France.A week later.

While dealing with Lola's pursuits, the subplot of Henry killing the Bohemian duchess came and went. It was the beginning of the Mad King plot that would play out for the remainder of season 1. It was going to be a pain to get through, but the most important thing was that I couldn't be the one to kill Henry. If my hand took his life, that cum guzzler Narcisse would have me dead to rights and it would destroy my marriage.

I was thinking of these things while everyone in the castle was enjoying the first light feast. It was some Valentine's Day knockoff for couples to potentially be matched. It was a relief because even though I hadn't knocked Lola up, hopefully Mary would still be looking to set her up with someone. Speaking of my wife, I saw her getting accosted by the servant girl as she had in the show. I quickly made my way over to rescue her.

"Pomegranate tart, Your Grace?" I heard her ask.

"Oh, thank you." Mary said politely as she took a tart.

"If I may?" The girl whispered as she leaned in close. "My sister ate ten of these a day, and she was with child in less than a month."

"Oh." My Queen said, clearly not expecting the conversation to revolve around her womb.

"Ten a day?" I asked as I put my arm around Mary. "Are you sure the change in your sister's figure didn't have more to do with butter and sugar than with her husband?" That shit the servant girl up as she curtsied and walked off.

"Thank you." Mary whispered as I planted a kiss on her forehead.

"Not at all, she only meant to help. There are two nations that are very excited for us to have a family." I replied as she held my hand.

Two nations, Is that all?" She inquired as I looked around and spotted Lola with lord Nardeen. He's been a guest at one of those boring ass parties on our wedding tour and she thought he would be good for her.

"Is that Lola with Philipe Nardeen?" I quoted from the show.

"It is, I invited him to court." Mary replied as we watched them dance.

"He looks very happy to be here, very interested." I said, although the same could not be said for Lola; however she tried to hide her apathy towards him.

"I thought he might make a good suitor for her." Mary I knew that Lola would never abandon her quest to get me to cheat on Mary for some low level noble.

"Shall we dance?" I asked as I offered my hand to Mary. She graciously took said hand as I led her onto the dance floor. As we danced in front of the entire court, I was someone able to tune out all of the nobles and their quests to get the chick of their choosing to light a lousy candle. I held Mary close to me as we danced and her arms just felt like home.

"I don't think that I will ever get tired of dancing with you." I said quietly as I didn't need any nobles or servants trying to eavesdrop on our conversations.

"You'd better not, because I don't plan on letting you dance with another woman." Mary said with cheek as she matched my movements perfectly. Unfortunately, the song was finished far too soon and Mary and I made our way off the dance floor. As we returned to our appointed places, I saw Lola strolling about the throne room with Lord Philip Nardeen.

She was clearly humoring the son of a bitch as he put on his most charming face and voice before bringing up the subject of her lighting his candle. Lola wasn't going to raise a match to his candle and she knew that I knew it. That slippery bitch was still counting on being able to rip Mary and I apart and install herself as my mistress. I waited for Nardeen to bid Lola adieu before I made my presence known.

"Lady Lola, May I speak to you in private?" I asked as she curtsied to me.

"Of course, your highness." She replied as I led her out of the throne room. Once we were away from prying eyes, she leaned in and kissed me deeply.

"Lola...this must come to an end. You should entertain Lord Nardeen's suit; he would make a fine husband and see you provided for." I pleaded as she made a face that told me she wasn't having that BS.

"Why would I settle for a noble when I can have the next king of France at my Beck and call?" Lola asked.

"You don't. I have entertained this fantasy of yours out of a desire to protect Mary, but I'm getting tired of humoring your ass!" I exclaimed angrily.

"I can ruin you with the rumors I can spread. I can have what I want!" Lola snapped as I finally lost control and pinned her to the wall.

"Prince Tomàs of Portugal thought he could have what he wanted too. His pride came before his fall." I snarled as I leaned in. Lola got a look of pure fear in her eyes as she picked up on what I was saying.

"You...murdered Prince Tomàs?" She asked fearfully.

"He was like you, trying to take Mary from me. I've been nice to you because I thought we were friends, but I see that it's time to take a new approach: cease your pursuit of me, find a suitor, and leave French Court, or I'll see to it that you pay the ultimate price for your villainy." I threatened before letting her go and storming off.

I didn't really want to kill Lola. Tomàs had been a special circumstance. I just needed Lola to think I could kill her. Hopefully, she would back off and get away from us sooner rather than later.


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